Recapping post from a year ago in itallics. Generating new information to add on to the story a bit.
Story Seed
A new story will involve a character set in a nervous mood seekingsomething needed or very much desired in the future outdoor location against afast-moving myriapoda (centipede or millipede like).
Using Grammar Fuel Science Fiction Genre & Subgenres book. Random d100 = 53 Science, random d100 = 20 Noun, random d100 = Astrobiology
Astrobiology studies life in the universe.
Is the story about studying the myriaoda? flip coin, tails, no.
Is the story about eliminating myriaoda? flip coin, heads, yes.
Main Character
Colene is more of a practical problem solver, intuitive, yet skilled instealth and persuasion—not really charming. She is more manipulativethrough logic, wisdom, intelligence, and intuition—rather than byappearance and charm—maybe using psychic or cybernetic manipulation. Shecan move quietly and is resilient.
The meaning of the name Colene is "girl". The name has both a natural strength, mesmerizing, and enchanting quality.