Sunday, December 27, 2020

World of the Fifth Sun progress 2014 to 2020

 The 2014 through 2019 information is copy past from last year's two summary posts. 2020 year review is newly types summarizing this years progress both in blog and writing projects.

Summer of 2014

Everything really began in 2014 when during the summer I came across NaNoWriMo. Sometime around the mid or late summer I decided to try writing a novel during November. I remember checking out several books and taking notes on how to write novels.

I created Song and Fire, a short novel set in a world that I called the Ea, the World of the Fifth Sun.


For a more complete look at 2015 summary, see my 2016 year end review of 2015 post.

I remember revising Song and Fire during January of 2015. While this first novel only sold a few copies, it spurred me to return to tabletop RPGs after 20 years. This book's mythology is that Ea is on the third planet on the fifth sun or 'sol' in a series of worlds, each proceeding world having been destroyed in a war of gods. I can actually easily move this story into an Aioskoru human region if I wanted to.

I began World of the Fifth Sun blog on March 13, 2015.

I created several documents which would inspire generator and engine products this year in 2018. 

Much of my Character Generator and flaws was initially created in the Stories vs RPGs series and resulting book.

July of 2015 my nephew in my family was tragically killed by a drunk driver.

I began my Rolemaster beta testing experience around this time as well.

In October, I began creating Aioskoru.

October 28 I began trying to build Aioskoru using online random content generators and learning to expand map techniques. 

November I wrote my 2nd novel, a collection of short stories for the World of the Fifth Sun which resulted in two of the short stories being released Worn and Lanic. Although only those two stories were ever published in one small volume, I still have the remaining stories unedited in my collection. I might be able to do something in the future with this old unreleased content.

I ended the year with more map creation techniques which resulted in techniques used in Quick free maps series and book in 2016.


For a more complete look at 2015 summary, see my 2016 year end review of 2016 post.
2016 began by finishing my map making techniques. 

I then switched to fantasy constructed languages. 

Dice, card, and probability brought me to ABS12 creation series. This was actually my 3rd RPG game attempt after a WotFS Fudge and FAE versions which are actually inspirations for One-Roll Fudge RPG, which were never published anywhere. While A Basic System 12 (ABS12) V1.08 may not be great in it's entirety, pieces of that game are great and are actual pieces such as the Plot Generator and Fact Generator

In mid 2016 summer, I began selling products on DriveThru and RPGNow. First, maps were my topic. It quickly switched to Aioskoru and the Solo Game Engine and Fact Generator (which are pieces of ABS12).

In late that year, I began creating Fairy language, which is a test into the possible content of books such as Elvish Language. I've had words written for Elvish since earlier this 2016 year but have changed much of it in it's current form. It is based, however, on the same words. Fairy would be published first since I knew that I owned the rights to this invented language.

5e x 5 was really the emphasis at the end of this year 2016.

Comparing open gaming systems during this year also fueled my more recent Parallel Open Gaming Systems products.


2017 began by finishing 5e x 5 products for a few months. Later, Character Gen (based on Stories vs RPGs) vs, Description Gen (item focus), and Motivation Gen  (based on Stories vs RPGswere released. 

In the blog, I began with finishing my Fairy Language which I would release a year later in PDF.

My Aioskoru Myth Making series created early 2017 finally was published in 2020.

The Star Frontiers blog series helped inspire me to complete 5e x 5 Future Characters later during the year. 


During the month of November, I completed a project to writing a game system and setting. One-Roll Fudge RPG and an unreleased Aioskoru setting was created during this month. This setting information hopefully will provide inspiration and direction in the future. It certainly felt fulfilling to write some fiction after a few years of rules and list creation, which are satisfying in a different way.

I've established a small presence on MeWe for social media.

During the month of December, I began and haven't finished yet a story generating series using Story Mechanisms. This series I plan to continue into January of 2019.

I wanted to get some hands on experience with other Fudge systems. This series I plan on continuing into 2019.

[I sort of continued a MERP series that I started a few years ago with this possible new series. I don't know how much more I can sustain this series. It is ranked lower on my priority since these products are rather old and low priority. I did learn a lot about myself already from this initial comparison.
Series Retired]


During November and December, I created the Grammar Fuel series. The blog has several posts supporting and using these new tools and tables.

October saw the release of the fourth book in the mechanisms series, Environmental MechanismsEnvironmental Mechanisms is the result of one year of RPG tool development focusing on setting generating tools. While some of the tools are from 2018, all of the terrain tools found in the Minimalist Descriptive series were created in 2019. Setting tools became the main focus of 2019.

A few products were expanded upon and released in a 2nd edition in 2019. The solo game engine, fact generator, description generator, and the very fun to make d100 Gamemaster Surrogate-100 Shades of Nay...and Yea were released in 2019.

Orcish Language, the third Aioskoru Language, was released in 2019.

Combat tools such as the minimalist martial arts, minimalist combat, and the critical charts were released in 2019.

During the summer, this blog focused on writing qualities, innovation, and grammar.

Early summer, June, focused on flash fiction using Flash RPG.

5e x 5 saw two modern book releases—Modern Backgrounds and Modern Races.

So, 2019 was about parts of speech, setting/terrain, combat, and 2nd editions primarily


The early part of the year was mainly finishing the Grammar Fuel series that resulted in the Grammar Fuel: Parts of Speech and Grammar Fuel: 12,000 Phrases & Idioms, two tools for the dialogue creation.

In the blog, the first few posts of the year were creating an environment using Environmental Mechanisms and then a post using the Dialogue Engine.

I released 9 previously unreleased draft posts with commentary.

At that time I also began the sub Reddit, which is where I've generated the new Coin Solo RPG System. Using that new system, I created the first adventure "The Art of Love and Loss".

I then did a 12 part series "Learning about Poetry" on this blog.

My Flash Fiction day project was "Necromancer Takes on the World".

Micro Dungeon Room Map Generator was released in the summer.

The American Name Fuel series was published.

Minimalist d6 Solo Game Engine & Adventure Seed Engine were combined.

Elvish Language received an update.

On the subreddit, I started a second Coin Solo RPG System adventure currently on the 13th session, yet to be named.

Essential SoRoPlay GamTools was published.

Minimalist Descriptive Urban and Minimalist Descriptive Rural were published.

Theme Generator 2e was published.

For a zine, I published currently six issues beginning with Coin Solo RPG System, Myths and Fables, Learning About Poetry, Horror Ref, Fantasy Ref, and Christmas Ref.

So, 2020 was about finishing parts of speech, phrases & idioms, dialogue, poetry, fundamentals, American names, urban/rural, expanding themes, and creating the zine.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Any solo video game makers?

 I wonder how many people try to make their own video game with Make Your Own Game with RPG Maker ( That might be some interesting solo gaming if the game procedurally generatess material.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Newest Issue of SoRoPlay GamTools, Horror Ref(erence). In this issue, there is new material never published including rankings, a horror generator tool, a brief history, and horror definitions.

Now available, the latest issue of SoRoPlay GamTools focusing on a Horror Reference issue available at an introductory price 30% off until the end of October.

55-page PDF, with some illustrations

This issue is a Horror Reference (Ref). It has new material built around several questions.

  • What is horror?

  • What fiction sources my serve as a companion to horror RPG gaming?

  • What type of random d100 tool may help to create a horror story?

  • What is a brief timeline of highlights for horror novels, movies, and videogames by decade or century?

  • And what horror novels, movies, and video games might serve as inspiration for horror gaming?

Those were a few of the questions and topics for this issue of SoRoPlay GamTools Zine.

This 55 page Horror Ref(erence) zine PDF brings together several rankings to create an average horror novel, movie, and video game ranking. It also awards medals to the most frequently cited works: gold, silver, and bronze.

A section at the beginning explores the horror definition and related words.

A brief history of the past decades and centuries of horror novels, movies, and video games highlights major titles and works.

It has a horror tool, d100 random horror noun, verb, adjective, and adverb table.

This PDF is illustrated with some images.

This PDF has the following sections and/or tables.

  • Is horror a genre?

  • What is horror?

  • How is horror distinct from a thriller, suspense, or mystery genre?

  • Parts of Horror Definition: Fear, Dread, Abhorrence, Aversion, and Repugnance

  • Intense Dislike: Distinction between Antipathy, Aversion, Repugnance, and Disgust

  • In a state: Frighten, Scare, Indimidate, or Cow

  • In a state: Fear, Dread, Fright, Dismay, Consternation, Panic, Terror, or Horror

  • Brief History of Horror – Highlights from the Past (novels, movies, video games)

  • Grammar Fuel: Horror Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs (100 each)

  • Top Horror Novels (26 core books, 135 ranked books, many more unranked books)

  • Top Horror Movies (54 core movies, 215 ranked movies, many more unranked movies)

  • Top Horror Video Games (10 core video games, 26 ranked video games, more unranked video games)

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Commentary on Session 8 combat and prefaced by prior test versions.

This post is reposted from the post at concerning the story combat session past with identicall post names. 

Thanks, to the current subreddit members! If you haven't joined the community yet, every membership helps bring more of my tool content [the next goal is 15 members to open the next content reward, an encounter-type tool]. See Coin Solo RPG System 1_05 for membership criteria.

[Spoiler text is for if you haven't yet looked at the Setting up, Inciting Event, and Sessions 3 through 8 result. Read those posts first.]

I felt very satisfied with the first conflict giant worm one-shot kill. Here is why.

I wanted to comment on the session 8 first giant worm conflict combat result and preface it with a recap of the 3 prior test Combat Results so far. I'm recounting a summary what has happened so far with the combat system to sort of explain why I thought and felt that way.

You can read the full prior tests in those posts from months ago.

For Version 1_04, there were two combat test results.

1st Test 1_04

In the first combat test done with the simultaneous, before adding combat skill, combat done 3 months ago between William and the demon wolf went as follows.

  1. William shot off the demon wolf's right hind leg and the wolf bit lightly into his abdomen.

  2. William missed with the walking stick, and the demon wolf killed William by ripping open William's stomach, abdomen muscles, and main artery. (William died in two rounds)

2nd Test 1_04

In the second test, the final nature of the combat was made very apparent as well. This was before factoring negative ability, negative skill, and before skill models.

  1. William shot blasted the demon wolf in the chest destroying muscle, bone, and organs and the demon wolf bit and clawed at William's abdomen causing light wounds. (Demon wolf died in the first round)

1st Test 1_05

In 1_05, the skill models, weapon scaling, and revised damage rules for the current version were added.

  1. William's blast nicked the wolf's rear left leg and the demon wolf bit off a chunk of William's left arm rendering it limp and useless.

  2. William swung and broke the demon wolf's rear left leg with a walking stick and the wolf bit and clawed light damage to William's upper right leg.

  3. William swung his walking stick with a heavy blow to the demon wolf's and struggling the demon wolf bit and teared at his lower left leg. The demon wolf then collapsed dead. (William killed the demon wolf in 3 rounds after taking a heavy left arm wound)

  4. William then was overcome with poison for a period of time.

Correction for 1_05 and 1_06 combat example

I noticed and will change one example that needs one small correction as noted for the 1_05 and 1_06 PDF versions. It doesn't change the rule nor the example. It just was a typing error shown in bold. The combat doesn't change at all.

The disadvantage slides the pistol shot from 4-2=+2 to 2-1=+1This means, because of the disadvantage, the damage would go to the 2nd flip instead of the first flip. 1st tails, 2nd 2 coin damage tails & tails = both tails damage, 3rd flip = heads. Damage result = player inflicts Light damage, opponent inflicts Heavy damage. William's target = tails, heads, heads= Upper left leg receives heavy light damage.

Session 8 William vs Worm Commentary

Having prefaced this giant worm story combat with what William has experienced in the past 3 combat test examples, this worm combat felt really good and satisfying. Especially after all of the narrative setup and giving William a real reason to fight the worms, his one shot to the head (well giant worm mouth) was very satisfying.

It is satisfying after experiencing frustration with both Troy in the corn field, that sadness of Mr. Anderson's farm, questioning whether it was even his battle, and Harry telling aunt Sarah about uncle's dire situation.

If you haven't looked at that text yet, see sessions Setting Up, Inciting Event, and 3 through 8 for the current former Mayor Jacob Vaast adventure.

Even though the story will continue, I knew I had to stop after the one-shot kill.

Friday, October 9, 2020

November, no plans yet, but ideas are spinning

 Normally, most November beginning my first writing month years ago, I try to write something significant somehow. I'll likely try to write something this year.

Last year, was filled with what became the Grammar Fuel series—initially penned as a one volume, 30 page RPG tool book. It vastly expanded to several volumes, several tools, and a few different series.

I do have 3 ideas briefly sketched out a few days ago for a possible project. I also have piles of unfinished and working projects that every once in a while get's pushed to the front.

We'll see how it goes.

Rebellion - Anti-Establishment 25% Sale

This weekend, help prepare for November solo game or story writing with any of these tools.

Author's publisher page

Rebellion - Anti-Establishment 25% Sale

Say goodbye to your GM!

This sale for this weekend at DriveThruRPG has the following titles at 25% off

Character Mechanisms

Character Mechanisms II

Story Mechanisms

Environmental Mechanisms

Remnant RPG Tools

Grammar Fuel: Parts of Speech

Grammar Fuel: 12,000 Idioms and Phrases

Rhyming Fuel

ABS12 Solo Game Engine 2nd Edition

ABS12 Fact Generator 2nd Edition

Description Generator: Objects 2nd Edition

Gamemaster Surrogate: 100 Shades of Nay...and Yeah

2,000 American Male First Names

4,500 American Female First Names

SoRoPlay GamTools Zine: Coin Solo RPG System

SoRoPlay GamTools Zine: Myths and Fables

SoRoPlay GamTools Zine: Learning about Poetry


Micro Dungeon Room Map Generator

 At Amazon, Character Mechanisms the sale price is the same. 

Character Mechanisms

Character Mechanisms (2018)
Available at two places: one a PDF or one for Kindle
A PDF @ DriveThruRPG
For Kindle (US) @, (UK) @, (DE)

At Amazon, the 2nd edition at Amazon are already at the minimum amount for the current full 70% royalty percentage. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Now available for kindle except a few minor changes, removal of appendix

The Kindle version does not have the Appendix of tables, which were added to the rear for printing in the PDF version, to make printing easier. However, all of the tables are found within each of the sections. The larger sideways 144 tables were place back into the sections with the horizontal table and the instructions.

Essential SoRoPlay GamTools

Essential SoRoPlay GamTools (2020)
Available at one place currently, though kindle may be forthcoming
A PDF @ DriveThruRPG
It is also available in two different bundles where it is included as one of the bundle pieces
Mechanisms and Minimalist Bundle
Individual piece Bundle

For Kindle (US) @, (UK) @, (DE) (also available for other countries)

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Essential SoRoPlay GamTools

New for today, a mix of the minimalist d6 solo game and adventure seed engines together with the six more popular 1e tools reimagined and restyled. It contains slightly different grayscale d12 and d100 versions of 1st edition's Character Generator, ABS Fact Generator, ABS Solo Game Engine, Plot Generator, Motivation Generator, and Description Generator.

It has been added to the list product list started recently at which contain the more popular or older titles.

Essential SoRoPlay GamTools

Essential SoRoPlay GamTools (2020)
Available at one place currently, though kindle may be forthcoming
A PDF @ DriveThruRPG
It is also available in two different bundles
Mechanisms and Minimalist Bundle
Individual piece Bundle

Essential SoRoPlay GamTools is a collection of tools, referred to as functions, that help you to play a solo game using polyhedral dice. It works by generating either answers to questions, step-by-step, or keyword prompts for interpretation.

It also includes an adventure seed engine is included in this version as a companion tool to be used with this book to create random story conflict, foe, theme, motivation, and twists.

This book replaces and adds several of the minimalist tools with 1e tools to make a more powerful system with six of the more popular essential tools. ABS Solo Game Engine, ABS Fact Generator, Motivation Generator, Description Generator, Plot Generator, and Character Generator all in a newer simplified d12 and d100 grayscale style for the 144 result generators.

You need a gaming system character and resolution mechanics with this book in order to create characters, have NPC and creature statblocks, and resolve game mechanics. This book focuses on generating narrative content such as generic NPC details, adventure stories, and setting description using questions and keyword prompts. Some other game mechanics tools that can be used for some game mechanics are Minimalist Descriptive Combat (mass combat) and/or Remnant RPG Tools (descriptive roleplaying combat) which includes the Minimalist Descriptive Skills (descriptive d6 skill resolution) along with several other related tools.

A gamemaster has many functions. This set of tools focuses on ten GM functions.
 Gamemaster Surrogate (GMS) Function tools included in this book
     1. A GMS will make decisions based on a few different factors. The basic closed-questions that are answered through this GMS function are “Yes or no?”, “When”, or “What happens?”  ABS Solo Game Engine
     2. A GMS will be able to create basic random NPC characters. The basic open-question that is answered through this GMS function is “Who?” Character Generator
     3. A GMS will be able to assign 144 basic motivation to NPCs. The basic open-question that is answered through this GMS function is “Why?” Motivation Generator
     4. A GMS will be able to assign basic relationships, moods, emotion, and encounter details—for both humans and creatures. The basic open-question that are answered through this GMS human or creature multi-functions are “What is the description of the encounter?”. The details for this tool focus more specifically on several different details such as, “What is the mood of the encounter?”, “What is the emotion of the encounter?”, “What is the number of encounters?”, “What is the size of the encounter?”, and a few other encounter details.   Relationship, Mood, Emotion, & Encounter Gen
     5. A GMS will be able to create a basic adventure story. A story has a beginning or opening, an incident, a call for action, a story conflict, and one or more conflicts leading to a resolution. This tool explores resolving for one or more questions related to the inciting event and adventure seed conflict against a foe. The basic open-question that is answered through this GMS function is “What happens from beginning to end?” Essential Gamestory Adventures
    6. A GMS will be able to create adventure ideas that contain a conflict against a foe, here called an adventure seed. The basic open-question that is answered through this GMS function is “What is the main story?” It rolls for conflict, foe type, theme, motivation, mood, and an occasional twist. Essential Adventure Seed Engine
    7. A GMS will be able to create story arches based on 144 keyword actions or situations. The basic open-question that is answered through this GMS function is “What is the character doing or need to do?” Conflict (Plot) Generator
     8. A GMS will be able to create a setting description based on 144 sensory keywords. The basic open-question is answered through this GMS function are “Where?” or “What?” does the player see, hear, taste, touch, smell, or realize in terms of basic senses or basic concepts. Fact Generator
     9. A GMS will be able to create setting items and features based on 144 adjectival keywords. The basic open-question that is answered is “What?” in terms of items & movable features or  “What items are in this setting?” Item Description Generator
    10. A GMS will be able to create setting descriptions for indoor and outdoor settings based on adjectival keywords. The basic question that is answered is “Where?” in terms of immovable or non-item setting features. Indoor and Outdoor Gen

This book mixes and adds to the Minimalist d6 Solo and Adventure Seed Engines with the six most popular generators expanding it from 12 pages to 70 pages. It has all new content. This book has 20 BW (grayscae) images. It has both a table of contents and bookmark navigation. Pages are numbered.

Both, a version with borders and a version without borders are included.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Solo RPG Tools 2nd Edition 2020 bundle now available, briefly comparing the 1e and 2e versions

Here is the lineup for this year's Solo RPG Tools 2nd edition bundle and a short summary of the differences between 1e and 2e

ABS Solo Game Engine 1e vs 2e - The differences are 2e has 18 pages, 6 tables, 15 types of answers, and includes 1e info (1e has 5pgs, 1 table, 1 type of answers)

Fact Generator 1e vs 2e - The difference is 2e has 33 pages, 8 charts, 23 types of facts, 10 pages of senses of thesaurus and contains 1e. Compared to the original 1e that is 1pg total, 1 chart, 12 types of facts & instructions, no thesaurus.

Theme Generator 1e vs 2e - This 2nd edition expands and includes the 1st edition. 70 pages, many charts, 3 domains of themes, 21 subdomains, about 6,000 manifestation words, and 1,000 thematic subjects. Compared to the original which was 2pg chart & instructions, 1 domain, 10 subdomains, no manifestation words, and 288 results.

Description Generator: Objects 1e vs 2e - This 2nd edition expands and includes the 1st edition material. 52 pages, 9 charts, 33 types of facts/descriptions, object describing words from a thesaurus. [Compared with the original which was 3pg, one chart, 11 types of facts/descriptions & instructions, and no thesaurus.]

Gamemaster Surrogate (GMS): 100 Shades of Nay 2e...or Yeah vs Modifier Generator 1e - The difference is that GMS focuses on applying modifiers for actions or description to task progress, degrees of success, tangents, expectations, and/or speed in 4 pages (Modifier Gen in 2 pages focuses on 7 types of modifiers for actions or description generically, not applied to anything). Although derived from the MG of 1e, the GMS of 2e does not include 1e, since they are very different in how they are applied: applied to progress/success vs generally descriptive.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Started 2nd Coin Solo RPG System adventure recently on Reddit

For those age 18+, I started using Coin Solo RPG System version 1.06 on the sub recently. This will continue with William on a second adventure. A goal is to test out the newer rules and the entire system so far. Also writing another short story is pretty cool as well. Already two sessions have been written. Becoming a member of the subreddit helps to reach membership goals to add content to the game.

Hopefully, it will lead to several sessions until the adventure is completed.

It continues some time after where "The Art of Love and Loss" leaves off.

A brief synopsis of the plot.
A conspiring disgraced former mayor who will control giant worms in search of violent retribution for his removal and loss of reputation against the entire village.

Friday, September 18, 2020

The art of fantasy world creation: Interpretation

Why aren't the top fiction writers novels written by computer software AI?

Writing and developing fictional stories or adventures is a human endeavor that requires expressing human experiences and interpretation by other humans.

Writing and telling stories is an art.

When I make tools, I make them for humans, not for computers. Even my NPC AI pieces require interpretation.

Interpretation is the one main thing that computers cannot fabricate very well.

Interpretation is explaining or telling the meaning of something else. It is elucidating and appreciating something in light of individual belief or judgment. Interpretation is apprehending and representing by art, illustrations, or sounds.

Humans experience many things in life. Common experiences form a basis of common language. Different experiences form a basis of variations. Because of fiction writing involves both common language and personal language, the interpretation of fiction words involves both common translation and, probably more important, variations translating into subjective meaning.

In short, top fiction writers use universal language and experience to create easily interpreted, but interpreted meaning individually into a unique story world by the reader, observer, or participant.

For example, lets look at Stephen King's horror novel "It".

"It", the novel, was very popular when I was in high school. This was long before the TV series or movies.

Although popular because of common universal language and expressions, every instance of the interpretation of "It" the novel before any movie, TV series, or graphic novel was entirely subjective and resulted in each individual reader's interpretation of King's words. Every instance in each person had a very unique subjective version of "Pennywise the Dancing Clown." The first novel did not have any pictures, sounds, nor music to create the fictional world, so everyone interpreted the words written in each person's own manner.

Why do I focus on interpretation rather than objective details?

Because with interpretation of meaning, the fictional world opens up to limitless interpretations of details and their meaning. If I were to focus on trying to create objective minutely detailed data, then doing so would be extremely finite.

New words for "world" for Aioskoru elvish, orcish, and fairy languages

New words for "world" for Aioskoru elvish, orcish, and fairy languages by Ken Wickham © 2020 All rights reserved.

This article and/or fictional words may not be reproduced or shared in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise for any other person—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

It's been a while since I posted any language words.

I feel like doing a set for the English word "world" for the 3 current languages:

By world means a planet with specifically all of its people, species, cultures, and natural features. World refers to life probably more important than the physical features. A world is a collection of life. A lifeless planet is not a world, as used by these three words. There must be social and behavioral relationships among life forces for the planet to use these three words.

alvan a kashi [Aioskoru Elvish language] - daonglagi (will be part of 1.06)
emojey-on laaf [Aioskoru Fairy language] - jiaf (will be part of 1.08)
ulka u kukha [Aioskoru Orcish language] - kuavkruka (will be part of 1.01)

I've entered the word in each of the next version documents.

So, when the elves of southern Aioskoru speak of the world, they call it daonglagi. Aioskoru is a daonglagi.

Fairies speak of Aioskoru as a jiaf.

Orcs of Aioskoru speak of it as a kauvkruka.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Just started a page that mixes some of the DriveThruRPG stuff with the stuff at Amazon

I've never built a page listing everything published. Here is a page listing some of the major volumes RPG or stuff found on either/or both DriveThruRPG or Amazon. This page may change in the future or add on more of the stuff from the past which isn't listed.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Minimalist d6 Solo Game and Adventure Seed Engines available

Minimalist d6 Solo Game & Adventure Seed Engine

Minimalist d6 Solo Game & Adventure Seed Engine
Available at two places: one a PDF or one for Kindle
A PDF @ DriveThruRPG
For Kindle (US) @, (UK) @, (DE)

A combined version sold in two different formats at two different eBook vendors that brings the two prior published toolsets together, is now available.
  • Bundled version includes separate books and combined book @ DriveThruRPG 

For a reference on how these combined tools may be expanded, replaced, or furthered, see the prior post "An overview of some of the tools that I've created."

Minimalist d6 Solo Game Engine is a collection of tools, referred to as functions, that help you to play a solo game using standard six-sided dice. It works by generating either answers to questions, icon images, or keyword prompts for interpretation.

Minimalist Adventure Seed Engine is included in this version as a companion tool to be used with this book to create random story conflict, foe, theme, motivation, and twists.
You need a gaming system character and resolution mechanics with this book in order to create characters, have NPC and creature stat-blocks, and resolve game mechanics. This book focuses on generating narrative content using questions and keyword prompts. Some other game mechanics tools that can be used for some game mechanics are Minimalist Descriptive Combat (mass combat) and/or Remnant RPG Tools (descriptive roleplaying combat) which includes the Minimalist Descriptive Skills (descriptive d6 skill resolution) along with several other related tools.

A gamemaster has many functions. This set of tools focuses on six GM functions.
    • The gamemaster surrogate engine focuses on the function of giving four types of closed ended questions: yes/no, task progress, problem solving, and scientific method answers to help create story, characters, and setting.
    • The iconic fact generator focuses on the function of giving random sensory-based icon images that may represent answers to open ended questions to help create a setting based on the player character’s perception.
    • The indoor, outdoor, item Gen focuses on function of giving random keywords to be used as word prompts to help generate setting based on adjectives and determiners.
    • The relationship, mood, emotion, & encounter Gen focuses on the function of giving human and creature description based on description, mood, emotions to help create story encounters.
    • The NPC scene action (AI) focuses on the behavioral function of non-player character (NPC) or even creatures actions within a scene.
    • The Gamestory Adventures process focuses on the steps to create a narrative like the opening scene, inciting event, one or more conflicts, and until completion or failure.

This PDF version includes the Minimalist Adventure Seed Engine at the back of the eBook.
  • This is a minimalist adventure seed engine to help randomly roll story seeds for gaming or writing.
  • Easy, standard d6 dice system that may be used with any core system.
  • It is uses a small amount of keywords to describe an adventure story.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

I've started an unpublished post series that I will not publish unless I get enough posts together

I'm trying to experiment and work on something behind the scenes that may or may not be eventually published here. I'll see how it goes.

Lesser known product knowledge

Two of my lesser known what I consider hidden gem "hit" products are the Body Language Generator and the Dream Generator.

These two generators, although not overly popular, have picked up the most buys by people that haven't bought anything else from me.

I'm not sure why they attract, what I consider such an almost cult-like pattern of consumers.

I'd like to build something off of both of those—maybe something based on mixing up both.

Looking back at my Fact Generator: comparison of 1e and 2e

The fact generator is actually a perception or sensory-based keyword generators.

Before making it, I had not seen anything exactly like it.

What might of seemed similar was too specific to be useful for continuous story creation.

It came from some of the novel writing advice that I received about keeping fiction scene description sensory-based. Doing so keeps the reader in immersed in-character better. This fundamental fiction writing advice felt very applicable to tabletop RPG gaming.

It is also only one of many ideas from fiction writing that I brought into my gaming tools, especially solo gaming tools.

So, I came up with a creative and innovative idea unlike the other setting generator RPG Tools.
Sure, there were many dungeon, room, and town generators based on physical features. But there was very little that was based on the character's first-person point of view. I figured that one cool way to build a more story-like setting would be based on the most important features that a character might focus on.

It also allows a player to stay in character further.

The 2nd edition version allowed my to expand further than 144 keywords.

ABS12 Fact Generator (1e)

ABS12 Fact Generator Flexible Dice v 1.0

This is a flexible fact generator that is meant to aid or take the place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions or finding the clues, information, or describing situations. A chart with results for 2D6, 1D12, 1D20, and 3D6 systems is included. It makes it a versatile fact generating engine. A 1D100 can use the 1D20 if they divide and round their 1D100 by five.

This system is meant to give keywords, that when put together help to generate story ideas, objects, people, places, and events. The keywords are meant to help trigger thoughtful and inspirational ideas.

This system works well for adding random ideas into story writing, solo gaming, or to aid a GM in creating

For the first edition (1e), I limited my words to 144 keywords categorized by senses or thought process.

ABS12 Fact Generator (2e)

ABS12 Fact Generator 2e

musky (odor), sweet (flavor), face (social perception), learning (perceptive force), awe-slows down time (time).

This sounds like a good tavern setting. But it isn’t just a plain tavern setting. Something tastes sweet. A musky scent is in the room. Someone has a face that stands out. Something in the room is unfamiliar and requires learning. Something in the room makes time slow down causing an awe-stricken state.

Procrastinate and build a sandbox-setting quickly randomly based on 4 levels of setting significance. Generate the recommended number of keywords and follow 4 principles of good sensory information.

This system could even be used for impromptu perception, search, investigate, or spot checks.
This is a fact generator that is meant to aid or take the place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions or finding the clues, information, or describing situations & settings. Eight charts with results for 1D20, 3D6, and d100 systems is included.

This system is meant to give keywords, that when put together help to generate story places and situations. The keywords are meant to help trigger thoughtful and inspirational ideas.
This system works well for adding random ideas a settings for story writing, solo gaming, or to aid a GM.

This 2nd edition expands and includes the 1st edition. 30 pages, 8 charts, 23 types of facts, 10 pages of Senses from Roget's Thesaurus. Compared to the original which was 1pg chart & instructions.

ABS12 Fact Generator

This is a sensory based fact generator that is meant to take the place of a Gamemaster (GM) for describing settings from a character’s point of view with keyword results from rolls. A chart with results for 3D6, 1D20, and 1D100 systems is included.

Types of Setting Facts
If using selectively, the type of setting facts that you want will determine which table and column you consult.
Perceptual Process – Characters form opinions of the unfamiliar to familiar through sensory information.
Elements of Perceiving – Three ingredients are important in the perceiving process.
Perceptual Forces – Three forces influence in the perceiving process.
Perception Features – Three features are important in the perceiving process.
Perception Errors – Two types of errors might hinder proper perception.
Social Perception – Characters recognize and understand people and groups within the world.
Black and White; Dark and Light; Shades of Gray – This is the most basic of visual information.
Colors – Colors range from a single color, to groupings such as primary, secondary, and expanded colors.
Nouns – Characters see people, places, things, or ideas.
Basic Flavors – Things have a general taste.
Basic Sounds – Sounds can be used to find find out what a character hears.
Basic Textures – Many words describe how things feel by touch.
Temperature – Some things might feel to the touch hot or cold.
Solidity – Some things might feel soft or hard.
Basic Odors – Many words describe how things smell.
Mental Processes – Mind processes are remembering, learning, choosing, realizing, observing, and creating ideas.
Stuff Changes – Things change and characters sense these changes.
Time – Things can have relative timing such as quickness, speed, newness, age, and date.
Movement – Things move, act, and react.
Movement Sense – Things help determine life-form movement.
Emotions & Motivation – Intuitive and internal influences help determine character focus.
Connections – Things connect to, are valued, and relate to other things in different ways.
Dimensions – Forms observed have lengths, width, size, shape, and direction.