Sunday, October 25, 2020

Commentary on Session 8 combat and prefaced by prior test versions.

This post is reposted from the post at concerning the story combat session past with identicall post names. 

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[Spoiler text is for if you haven't yet looked at the Setting up, Inciting Event, and Sessions 3 through 8 result. Read those posts first.]

I felt very satisfied with the first conflict giant worm one-shot kill. Here is why.

I wanted to comment on the session 8 first giant worm conflict combat result and preface it with a recap of the 3 prior test Combat Results so far. I'm recounting a summary what has happened so far with the combat system to sort of explain why I thought and felt that way.

You can read the full prior tests in those posts from months ago.

For Version 1_04, there were two combat test results.

1st Test 1_04

In the first combat test done with the simultaneous, before adding combat skill, combat done 3 months ago between William and the demon wolf went as follows.

  1. William shot off the demon wolf's right hind leg and the wolf bit lightly into his abdomen.

  2. William missed with the walking stick, and the demon wolf killed William by ripping open William's stomach, abdomen muscles, and main artery. (William died in two rounds)

2nd Test 1_04

In the second test, the final nature of the combat was made very apparent as well. This was before factoring negative ability, negative skill, and before skill models.

  1. William shot blasted the demon wolf in the chest destroying muscle, bone, and organs and the demon wolf bit and clawed at William's abdomen causing light wounds. (Demon wolf died in the first round)

1st Test 1_05

In 1_05, the skill models, weapon scaling, and revised damage rules for the current version were added.

  1. William's blast nicked the wolf's rear left leg and the demon wolf bit off a chunk of William's left arm rendering it limp and useless.

  2. William swung and broke the demon wolf's rear left leg with a walking stick and the wolf bit and clawed light damage to William's upper right leg.

  3. William swung his walking stick with a heavy blow to the demon wolf's and struggling the demon wolf bit and teared at his lower left leg. The demon wolf then collapsed dead. (William killed the demon wolf in 3 rounds after taking a heavy left arm wound)

  4. William then was overcome with poison for a period of time.

Correction for 1_05 and 1_06 combat example

I noticed and will change one example that needs one small correction as noted for the 1_05 and 1_06 PDF versions. It doesn't change the rule nor the example. It just was a typing error shown in bold. The combat doesn't change at all.

The disadvantage slides the pistol shot from 4-2=+2 to 2-1=+1This means, because of the disadvantage, the damage would go to the 2nd flip instead of the first flip. 1st tails, 2nd 2 coin damage tails & tails = both tails damage, 3rd flip = heads. Damage result = player inflicts Light damage, opponent inflicts Heavy damage. William's target = tails, heads, heads= Upper left leg receives heavy light damage.

Session 8 William vs Worm Commentary

Having prefaced this giant worm story combat with what William has experienced in the past 3 combat test examples, this worm combat felt really good and satisfying. Especially after all of the narrative setup and giving William a real reason to fight the worms, his one shot to the head (well giant worm mouth) was very satisfying.

It is satisfying after experiencing frustration with both Troy in the corn field, that sadness of Mr. Anderson's farm, questioning whether it was even his battle, and Harry telling aunt Sarah about uncle's dire situation.

If you haven't looked at that text yet, see sessions Setting Up, Inciting Event, and 3 through 8 for the current former Mayor Jacob Vaast adventure.

Even though the story will continue, I knew I had to stop after the one-shot kill.

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