Sunday, June 28, 2020

Learning about Poetry (part 8): New material for Poetic Images exercises

For this post, I want to move from the chapter 1 on Muses to the chapter 3 on Images in the Open Textbook on poetry Naming the Unnameable: An Approach to Poetry for New Generations.

The original content and poetry research on this page is by Ken Wickham.
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The poetry textbook chapter 3 begins by categorizing poetry as creative writing which focuses on text that focuses on images (an event in language) experienced primarily through senses—a virtual reality.

But before working with this chapter, I'd like to roll and come up with a new and different rhyming set so that I can review some of my prior poetry techniques, and I liked and begin with a fresh slate of material for this new chapter focus. So, this post will focus on creating new material by reviewing some of the past few poetry post techniques. Then in the next post, I will hope to focus on poetry Images

For this post, I'll roll up another random rhyming word set using Rhyming Fuel.

The d1000 roll is #964 busk, tusk, dusk, husk, musk, lusk, rusk, brusque, cusk, cornhusk, mollusk.

Looking into this wordset, I only see one that is used in a common idiom.

from dusk to dawn

Let me research or freewrite some stuff based on this list.

busk, music, solicit, street musician, market, corner, street
tusk, elephant, walrus, wild boar, sharp
dusk, dawn, evening, sunset, night, ending, final days
husk, outer shell, corn, worthless outer covering
musk, deer musk, scent, odor, perfume, musky
lusk, lounge, skulk, lazy, lethargic, idle, sluggish
rusk, light bread biscuit
brusque, abrupt, blunt, rough, curt
cusk, cod, fish, codlike, with a single long dorsal fin
cornhusk, corn, leafy, ear of corn, outer membrane
mollusk, snail, clam, squid, chiton, octopus, shellfish, invertebrate, cephalopod

Word use Research
From "Same Song & Dance" by Eminem
Of footage of me impalin' myself on an elephant tusk?
We'll settle this once and for all, I'ma tell her at dusk

From "Bring Da Ruckus" by Wu-Tang Clan
I come rough, tough like an elephant tusk
Ya head rush, fly like Egyptian musk

From "To Earthward" by Robert Lee Frost
That crossed me from sweet things,
The flow of--was it musk
From hidden grapevine springs
Downhill at dusk?

From "A better Resurrection" by Christina Georgina Rossetti
My life is like a faded leaf,
My harvest dwindled to a husk:
Truly my life is void and brief
And tedious in the barren dusk;

From "Time" by Camp Lo
I'm lost, I'm found, my sound was designed by dusk
Clogging emotions and I'm bleeding, I'm lusk

From "Luminous Blues" by Zippy Kid
The time is the unremitting sable dusk,
Its the idle space without her for stuck on,
My life was worse than a stale rusk,
I grieved it still flowed on.

word combinations
cephalopod mollusk
gastropod mollusk
giant mollusk
freshwater mollusk
marine mollusk
mollusk fossils
mollusk shells
rare mollusk

Freewriting the Rhyming Set
I heard the busk in the dusk of eve. I'm just a husk of my former self. The tusk protruded sharp and long. From noon to dusk. A heavy scent of musk. Don't be brusque! Hurt and lusk. Eating cusk and rusk. A single foot of a slug or snail mucus wave of muscular contraction sliding and gliding along a mucus slime. At dusk. By dusk. After dusk. Aromatic musk.

Based on that free writing I am going to edit, expand, and organizing the freewriting list for a poetry images exercises.
I heard the busk,
echo the city dusk.
I'm just a husk,
of my former self.
Protruding sharp and long, 
impaled the tusk.
From noon to dusk.
A heavy scent of musk.
Don't be brusque!
Hurt and lusk.
Eating cusk and rusk.
The sliding and gliding mollusk.
A single foot of a mollusk.
Aromatic musk.
There by dusk.
Gone by dusk.

Okay, for the next poetry post I hope to begin to use these 16 lines of original material to explore poetic images.

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