Sunday, March 1, 2020

Unreleased Draft from [2-2016]: Fantasy Languages - Linguistic basic, as applied to fantasy languages

What is Linguistics?

The study of languages, normally human, but in fantasy genre it would also include other species and races.

What are Languages?

Systems that communicate ideas and actions through symbols, gestures, and sounds, structured with grammar which have meaning.

In fantasy, it could include grunts, hisses, roars, and other more animal type sounds depending on the species.

What is Phonetics?

Using sounds to communicate and understand.

What are Morphenes?

They are the smallest unit of sound that has meaning or grammar function.

[2/29/20 Note on this previously unreleased blog post:
This blog post had been writing directly after 2-1-16 post on Creating a Fantasy Language. I can't remember why I wrote this, but it looks to be an overview of the sounds of languages which fits in as a predecessor of Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 1: Sounds. I do remember being interesting in linguistics and even reading a book covering the basics. I probably will not return to this topic again, so I'll publish these basics. ]

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