Sunday, December 4, 2016

Which method is the best? (5e x 5)

I wanted to spend one post looking at different attribute score generating methods. I'll roll three sets of numbers for this analysis to be used in the first four methods. I'm doing so in order to evaluate the current text in the 5e x 5 for generating stats. Because of this evaluation, we may include some of these into the next revision.

1. Random - leave it to chance

01, 74, 92, 95, 07, 70
26, 96, 31, 13, 80, 54
92, 87, 96, 32, 20, 32
These numbers are all over the place. Some extremely low, and some very high. It's entirely random.

2. Random, drop the lowest

01, 74, 92, 95, 07, 70, 26
26, 96, 31, 13, 80, 54, 40
92, 87, 96, 32, 20, 32, 43

This does help remove the lowest of the rolls. It doesn't really help when rolls are extremely low several times in a row.

3. X#  sets, pick the best

01, 74, 92, 95, 07, 70
26, 96, 31, 13, 80, 54
92, 87, 96, 32, 20, 32

Out of the first set in #1 I could pick which of the sets that I like the best. This method would leave random probability, but give a character a choice of picking the luckiest batch of numbers.

4. Random with minimum threshold, re-roll numbers that are under X. I'll re-roll numbers 10 and lower.

01, 74, 92, 95, 07, 70, 26
26, 96, 31, 13, 80, 54
92, 87, 96, 32, 20, 32

5. Standard Arrays

75, 70, 60, 55, 50, 50
3.5 standard array 75, 70, 65, 60, 50, 40

This method eliminates any chance. Rather the attribute stats would entirely be by choice. It does remove very low scores, but also eliminates scores above 75. The number of combinations that these numbers can be arranged is where the variety come into play.

6. Ability score cost method

Table: Ability Score Costs
Score Points
35 –4
40 –2
45 –1
50 0
55   1
60   2
65 3
70 5
75 7
80 10
85 13
90 17

Table: Ability Score Points
Campaign Type Points
Low Fantasy 10
Standard Fantasy 15
High Fantasy 20
Epic Fantasy 25

Low fantasy 70, 65, 60, 55, 50, 45
Standard fantasy 75, 65, 65, 60, 50, 50
High fantasy  75, 70, 65, 60, 60, 55
Epic fantasy 80, 75, 70, 65, 50, 50

This method is all about economy of cost. The player becomes a purchaser, and is buying scores with a limited amount of points. They can also sacrifice scores to raise up other scores much higher than normal. This method is preferred for minimax where certain stats become dump stats.

There are probably more methods than this, but these seem to be used the most often.

I like the random as a method of forcing the player to adjust their play style to whatever outcome they are dealt. It seems great for flexible players.

Standard array seems like the best method to be used for quick character creation.

The cost method seems to be the slowest, yet entirely gives a great deal of power to the player. It also seems like the method easiest for players to abuse.

What are your thoughts about stat generation?


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