RPG pen & pencil gaming. After 5 years since returning to tabletop RPG playing, online video games beginning to interest me once again, I am learning and making new material RPG material—especially solo gaming material. I'm also working on Aioskoru material such as fantasy languages. Some goals are to write stories and poetry on the side, develop the world, and use customized rules for my own story world. Newer digital map and drawing may also be explored.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
I've started an unpublished post series that I will not publish unless I get enough posts together
I'm trying to experiment and work on something behind the scenes that may or may not be eventually published here. I'll see how it goes.
Lesser known product knowledge
Two of my lesser known what I consider hidden gem "hit" products are the Body Language Generator and the Dream Generator.
These two generators, although not overly popular, have picked up the most buys by people that haven't bought anything else from me.
I'm not sure why they attract, what I consider such an almost cult-like pattern of consumers.
I'd like to build something off of both of those—maybe something based on mixing up both.
These two generators, although not overly popular, have picked up the most buys by people that haven't bought anything else from me.
I'm not sure why they attract, what I consider such an almost cult-like pattern of consumers.
I'd like to build something off of both of those—maybe something based on mixing up both.
Looking back at my Fact Generator: comparison of 1e and 2e
The fact generator is actually a perception or sensory-based keyword generators.
Before making it, I had not seen anything exactly like it.
What might of seemed similar was too specific to be useful for continuous story creation.
It came from some of the novel writing advice that I received about keeping fiction scene description sensory-based. Doing so keeps the reader in immersed in-character better. This fundamental fiction writing advice felt very applicable to tabletop RPG gaming.
It is also only one of many ideas from fiction writing that I brought into my gaming tools, especially solo gaming tools.
So, I came up with a creative and innovative idea unlike the other setting generator RPG Tools.
Sure, there were many dungeon, room, and town generators based on physical features. But there was very little that was based on the character's first-person point of view. I figured that one cool way to build a more story-like setting would be based on the most important features that a character might focus on.
It also allows a player to stay in character further.
The 2nd edition version allowed my to expand further than 144 keywords.
ABS12 Fact Generator (1e)
This is a flexible fact generator that is meant to aid or take the place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions or finding the clues, information, or describing situations. A chart with results for 2D6, 1D12, 1D20, and 3D6 systems is included. It makes it a versatile fact generating engine. A 1D100 can use the 1D20 if they divide and round their 1D100 by five.
This system is meant to give keywords, that when put together help to generate story ideas, objects, people, places, and events. The keywords are meant to help trigger thoughtful and inspirational ideas.
This system works well for adding random ideas into story writing, solo gaming, or to aid a GM in creating
For the first edition (1e), I limited my words to 144 keywords categorized by senses or thought process.
ABS12 Fact Generator (2e)
This sounds like a good tavern setting. But it isn’t just a plain tavern setting. Something tastes sweet. A musky scent is in the room. Someone has a face that stands out. Something in the room is unfamiliar and requires learning. Something in the room makes time slow down causing an awe-stricken state.
Procrastinate and build a sandbox-setting quickly randomly based on 4 levels of setting significance. Generate the recommended number of keywords and follow 4 principles of good sensory information.
This system could even be used for impromptu perception, search, investigate, or spot checks.
This is a fact generator that is meant to aid or take the place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions or finding the clues, information, or describing situations & settings. Eight charts with results for 1D20, 3D6, and d100 systems is included.
This system is meant to give keywords, that when put together help to generate story places and situations. The keywords are meant to help trigger thoughtful and inspirational ideas.
This system works well for adding random ideas a settings for story writing, solo gaming, or to aid a GM.
This 2nd edition expands and includes the 1st edition. 30 pages, 8 charts, 23 types of facts, 10 pages of Senses from Roget's Thesaurus. Compared to the original which was 1pg chart & instructions.
ABS12 Fact Generator
This is a sensory based fact generator that is
meant to take the place of a Gamemaster (GM) for describing settings
from a character’s point of view with keyword results from rolls. A
chart with results for 3D6, 1D20, and 1D100 systems is included.
Types of Setting Facts
If using selectively, the type of setting facts that you want will determine which table and column you consult.
Perceptual Process – Characters form opinions of the unfamiliar to familiar through sensory information.
Elements of Perceiving – Three ingredients are important in the perceiving process.
Perceptual Forces – Three forces influence in the perceiving process.
Perception Features – Three features are important in the perceiving process.
Perception Errors – Two types of errors might hinder proper perception.
Social Perception – Characters recognize and understand people and groups within the world.
Black and White; Dark and Light; Shades of Gray – This is the most basic of visual information.
Colors – Colors range from a single color, to groupings such as primary, secondary, and expanded colors.
Nouns – Characters see people, places, things, or ideas.
Basic Flavors – Things have a general taste.
Basic Sounds – Sounds can be used to find find out what a character hears.
Basic Textures – Many words describe how things feel by touch.
Temperature – Some things might feel to the touch hot or cold.
Solidity – Some things might feel soft or hard.
Basic Odors – Many words describe how things smell.
Mental Processes – Mind processes are remembering, learning, choosing, realizing, observing, and creating ideas.
Stuff Changes – Things change and characters sense these changes.
Time – Things can have relative timing such as quickness, speed, newness, age, and date.
Movement – Things move, act, and react.
Movement Sense – Things help determine life-form movement.
Emotions & Motivation – Intuitive and internal influences help determine character focus.
Connections – Things connect to, are valued, and relate to other things in different ways.
Dimensions – Forms observed have lengths, width, size, shape, and direction.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Reshaping WotFS blog description text
The prior blog description remained nearly unchanged for 5 years.
A little time and effort will be going into the blog description to make something a little more accurate for the current decade.
Notable changes are the increased interest again in online RPG gaming. Solo RPG gaming was not in the original description. Fantasy languages are available.
Here is the current description.
A little time and effort will be going into the blog description to make something a little more accurate for the current decade.
Notable changes are the increased interest again in online RPG gaming. Solo RPG gaming was not in the original description. Fantasy languages are available.
Here is the current description.
RPG pen & pencil gaming. After 5 years since returning to tabletop RPG playing, online RPG video games beginning to interest me once again, I am learning and making new material RPG material—especially solo RPG gaming material. I'm also working on Aioskoru material such as fantasy languages. Some goals are to write stories on the side, develop the world, and to write or use customized rules for my own story world. Newer digital map techniques will also be explored.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
An overview of some of the tools that I've created.
An overview of tools, bundles, and volumes
[This post might serve as the foundation to a product page or series for the blog. This post may be edited, expanded, and altered in the next few days or oncoming future.]Many Tools, but how do you know what is what?
There are many tools created for different purposes or functions—tools for different tasks. Originally, each of the tools were created separately, each for a specific function.As for the tools, all are available individually and separately, which is good if you want to only get what is needed.
•The separate tools may end in "...generator", "...engine", "...critical", and/or "...communicator".
•One d6 tool series of tools focusing on description begins with "Minimalist..." and/or "Minimalist Descriptive...".
•Very large generating tables of random words (by part of speech), names, or phrases (or idioms) for creating NPC dialogue, among other uses, have titles ending in "...Fuel".
The generators provide a 12x12 (144+ results) categorized, and sometime subcategorized, table of keywords or key-phrases — to help inspire content creation. The keywords to help create plots, emotions, animals, human description, body language, indoor setting, outdoor setting, sensory facts, twists, dreams, fears, scene actions, themes, knowledge, etc....
The engine takes in information and creates a usable output of words, decisions, suggestions, or guidelines.
The minimalist descriptive is a set of d6 charts focusing on one aspect of a game world used to create one or a few sentences sentence made up of keywords and facts describing the most important features of a certain setting or terrain or phenomenon. They create a brief description of an environmental setting, using features found on Earth, used to set up a scene and to put NPCs, creatures, objects, and action.
The Grammar Fuel: [part of speech] is a solo RPG resource random table tool made for tabletop RPG gaming using d1,000, d100, d20, d10, or d6 depending on the table, which brings together the 2,000 verbs, 2,000 nouns, 2,000 adjectives, 1,000 adverbs, 1,000 interjections, 250 prepositions, 100 pronouns, 100 subordinating conjunctions, 100 determiners, 20 correlative conjunction pairs, 8 coordinating conjunctions, and 5 article/plural combinations. So, it is like a 8,583 random word table divided by part of speech. However, speaking styles influence which words are generated somewhat.
Grammar Fuel: [phrases and/or idioms] is a 12,000 phrases and idioms on 12 tables alphabetized and numbered for d1000 rolls. The idioms are mostly American English based.
The critical tables describe combat damage to a person in terms of wound penetration and bodily location.
Most tools also are found in bundled collections, which may or may not contain a single-volume collection—collections that are mostly topical.The minimalist descriptive is a set of d6 charts focusing on one aspect of a game world used to create one or a few sentences sentence made up of keywords and facts describing the most important features of a certain setting or terrain or phenomenon. They create a brief description of an environmental setting, using features found on Earth, used to set up a scene and to put NPCs, creatures, objects, and action.
The Grammar Fuel: [part of speech] is a solo RPG resource random table tool made for tabletop RPG gaming using d1,000, d100, d20, d10, or d6 depending on the table, which brings together the 2,000 verbs, 2,000 nouns, 2,000 adjectives, 1,000 adverbs, 1,000 interjections, 250 prepositions, 100 pronouns, 100 subordinating conjunctions, 100 determiners, 20 correlative conjunction pairs, 8 coordinating conjunctions, and 5 article/plural combinations. So, it is like a 8,583 random word table divided by part of speech. However, speaking styles influence which words are generated somewhat.
Grammar Fuel: [phrases and/or idioms] is a 12,000 phrases and idioms on 12 tables alphabetized and numbered for d1000 rolls. The idioms are mostly American English based.
The critical tables describe combat damage to a person in terms of wound penetration and bodily location.
Most also are found gathered together into somewhat topical collections of tools—volumes, called "...Mechanisms", "...All-in-One", "Grammar Fuel:...", and "Complete..."
Recommended Beginning Tools
Where is a good place to start?
two or three tools are what I consider fairly simplified foundational
tools, sometimes different than the 1e or 2e tools. The Minimalist d6 Solo Game Engine and the Minimalist Adventure Seed Engine.
And from these two minimalist tools, additional tools may either expand
upon or do things slightly different than this foundation which will
answer the question, "After these two tools, where could you go from there?" which will be answered in the next section, How do you expand or use alternatively to the two basic minimalist tools?
Where is a good place to start?
two or three tools are what I consider fairly simplified foundational
tools, sometimes different than the 1e or 2e tools. The Minimalist d6 Solo Game Engine and the Minimalist Adventure Seed Engine.
And from these two minimalist tools, additional tools may either expand
upon or do things slightly different than this foundation which will
answer the question, "After these two tools, where could you go from there?" which will be answered in the next section, How do you expand or use alternatively to the two basic minimalist tools?
1. Minimalist d6 Solo Game Engine
Minimalist d6 Solo Game Engine is
a collection of tools that help you to play a solo game using standard
six-sided dice. It works by generating either answers to questions, icon
images, or keyword prompts for interpretation.
Minimalist Adventure Seed Engine is
recommended as a companion tool to be used with this book to create
random story conflict, foe, theme, motivation, and twists.
Note: You
need a gaming system character and resolution mechanics with this book
in order to create characters, have NPC and creature statblocks, and
resolve game mechanics. This book focuses on generating narrative
content using questions and keyword prompts. Some other game mechanics
tools that can be used for some game mechanics are Minimalist Descriptive Combat (mass combat) and/or Remnant RPG Tools (descriptive roleplaying combat) which includes the Minimalist Descriptive Skills (descriptive d6 skill resolution) along with several other related tools.
A gamemaster has many functions. This set of tools focuses on six GM functions.
• The gamemaster surrogate engine focuses
on the function of giving four types of closed ended questions: yes/no,
task progress, problem solving, and scientific method answers to help
create story, characters, and setting.
• The iconic fact generator focuses
on the function of giving random sensory-based icon images that may
represent answers to open ended questions to help create a setting based
on the player character’s perception.
• The indoor, outdoor, item Gen focuses
on function of giving random keywords to be used as word prompts to
help generate setting based on adjectives and determiners.
• The relationship, mood, emotion, & encounter Gen focuses
on the function of giving human and creature description based on
description, mood, emotions to help create story encounters.
• The NPC scene action (AI) focuses on the behavioral function of non-player character (NPC) or even creatures actions within a scene.
• The Gamestory Adventures process
focuses on the steps to create a narrative like the opening scene,
inciting event, one or more conflicts, and until completion or failure.
Minimalist d6 Solo Game Engine is
a collection of tools that help you to play a solo game using standard
six-sided dice. It works by generating either answers to questions, icon
images, or keyword prompts for interpretation.
Minimalist Adventure Seed Engine is
recommended as a companion tool to be used with this book to create
random story conflict, foe, theme, motivation, and twists.
Note: You need a gaming system character and resolution mechanics with this book in order to create characters, have NPC and creature statblocks, and resolve game mechanics. This book focuses on generating narrative content using questions and keyword prompts. Some other game mechanics tools that can be used for some game mechanics are Minimalist Descriptive Combat (mass combat) and/or Remnant RPG Tools (descriptive roleplaying combat) which includes the Minimalist Descriptive Skills (descriptive d6 skill resolution) along with several other related tools.
A gamemaster has many functions. This set of tools focuses on six GM functions.
• The gamemaster surrogate engine focuses
on the function of giving four types of closed ended questions: yes/no,
task progress, problem solving, and scientific method answers to help
create story, characters, and setting.
• The iconic fact generator focuses
on the function of giving random sensory-based icon images that may
represent answers to open ended questions to help create a setting based
on the player character’s perception.
• The indoor, outdoor, item Gen focuses
on function of giving random keywords to be used as word prompts to
help generate setting based on adjectives and determiners.
• The relationship, mood, emotion, & encounter Gen focuses
on the function of giving human and creature description based on
description, mood, emotions to help create story encounters.
• The NPC scene action (AI) focuses on the behavioral function of non-player character (NPC) or even creatures actions within a scene.
• The Gamestory Adventures process
focuses on the steps to create a narrative like the opening scene,
inciting event, one or more conflicts, and until completion or failure.
2. Minimalist Adventure Seed Engine
This is a minimalist adventure seed engine to help randomly roll story seeds for gaming or writing.
- One-page, easy, standard d6 dice system that may be used with any core system.
- It is small and compact. It's just this black cover page and one written page.
- It can, however, be expanded by using the 12x12 plots, foes, themes, motivations, mood-emotions, and twists generator charts.
- It is uses a small amount of keywords to describe an adventure story.
This uses up to six rolls of 1d6.
- Roll for the conflict.
- Roll for the type of foe.
- Roll for the theme.
- Roll for the motivation.
- Roll for the mood.
- Roll, when appropriate, a twist.
The keywords are interpreted based on context of the setting and characters.
What tools expand the number of results or replace with alternatives the Minimalist Adventure Seed Engine? Plot
Generator (144 conflict keywords), Foe Generator (144 foe keywords),
Theme Generator (144 sets of theme topics), Motivation Generator (144
motive keywords), Mood-Emotion Generator (144 more specific moods or
emotions), Twist Generator (144 twist situations described briefly).
This is a minimalist adventure seed engine to help randomly roll story seeds for gaming or writing.
- One-page, easy, standard d6 dice system that may be used with any core system.
- It is small and compact. It's just this black cover page and one written page.
- It can, however, be expanded by using the 12x12 plots, foes, themes, motivations, mood-emotions, and twists generator charts.
- It is uses a small amount of keywords to describe an adventure story.
This uses up to six rolls of 1d6.
- Roll for the conflict.
- Roll for the type of foe.
- Roll for the theme.
- Roll for the motivation.
- Roll for the mood.
- Roll, when appropriate, a twist.
The keywords are interpreted based on context of the setting and characters.
What tools expand the number of results or replace with alternatives the Minimalist Adventure Seed Engine? Plot
Generator (144 conflict keywords), Foe Generator (144 foe keywords),
Theme Generator (144 sets of theme topics), Motivation Generator (144
motive keywords), Mood-Emotion Generator (144 more specific moods or
emotions), Twist Generator (144 twist situations described briefly).
How do you expand the number of results or replace with alternatives portions of the two basic minimalist tools?
tools offer ways to expand the number of results or use alternatively
to the minimalist tools found in the minimalist tools.
tools offer ways to expand the number of results or use alternatively
to the minimalist tools found in the minimalist tools.
1. Minimalist d6 Solo Game Engine expand, replacing with 12x12 (144 result) generator charts and/or game engines
Most of these are found in various Mechanisms all-in-one books or in the character, story, or environmental Bundles.
Alternatives, replacing the GMS engine
Solo Game Engine 1e
- This system uses Yes, Maybe, and No type answers expanding the
traditional solo game system by adding branching and conditional
answers. This is a flexible solo game engine that is meant to take the
place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions or finding the
results of modified rolls. A chart with results for 1D6, 1d8, Fate,
Fudge, 1D10, 1D12, 2D6, 3D6, 1D20, 4D6 JAGS, and 1D100 systems is
included. It makes it a versatile game engine.
ABS12 Solo Game Engine 2nd Edition -
18 pages, 6 tables, 15 types of results (1e had 5pgs, 1 table, 1 type
of result), This is a flexible solo game engine that is meant to take
the place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions or finding the
results of modified rolls. A chart with results for 1D6, 1d8, Fate,
Fudge, 1D10, 1D12, 2D6, 3D6, 1D20, 4D6 JAGS, and 1D100 systems is
Gamemaster Surrogate - This is a true d100 solo game engine with 100 answers, more focused for task-resolution questions,
that vary in detail and nuance. This list gives you 100 answers to yes
or no questions with varying degrees, tangents, beyond expectation, a
few types of results, and/or speed of result all in one table—with just
one roll. Sometimes answers suggest a reason or cause such as a type of
attribute, which may or may not apply to the given situation.
Alternatives, replacing the Iconic Fact Generator
Fact Generator 1e- this focuses on 144 results focusing on sensory and process data.
ABS12 Fact Generator 2nd Edition -
This 2nd edition expands and includes the 1st edition. 30 pages, 8
charts, 23 types of facts, 10 pages of Senses from Roget's Thesaurus.
Compared to the original which was 1pg chart & instructions. It
makes it a versatile game engine. This is a fact generator that is meant
to aid or take the place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions
or finding the clues, information, or describing situations &
settings. Eight charts with results for 1D20, 3D6, and d100 systems is
Sound Generator - focuses entirely on sounds and onomatopoeia.
Expanding, replacing the Indoor/Outdoor/Item Gen
Description Generator 1e- focuses on description of objects or things using 11 categories of adjectives.
Description Generator: Objects 2nd Edition-
This 2nd edition expands and includes the 1st edition material. 52
pages, 9 charts, 33 types of facts/descriptions, object describing words
from Roget's Thesaurus. [Compared with the original which was 3pg, one
chart & instructions, it's greatly expanded.] This is a description
generator that is meant to aid or take the place of a Gamemaster (GM)
for describing objects in situations & settings. Nine charts with
results for 1D20, 3D6, and d100 systems is included
Outdoor Setting Generator - focuses on descriptions of locations or places. This includes biomes, weather, soil types, sparcity, and size.
Indoor Setting Generator focuses
on descriptions of rooms and interior locations. This includes rooms
types, sizes, adjectives describing rooms, and material found in or used
in the construction of the room.
Adding more specific colors
Color Generator & Wheel - This book helps you to use and even roll randomly for 144 color names to
describe more vivid settings. It also has a color wheel to help design
13 types of color combinations. It has color meaning for the 8 main
colors. This table shows 12 rows of 12 columns of
colors: Black, Cool Grays, Warm Grays, Purple, Pink, Red, Orange &
Brown, Yellow, Green, Aqua, Cyan & Turquoise, and Blue. 144 total
color names with the actual color background & hexadecimal color #.
Modifier Generator - shows
modifier categories with 12 or more modifiers for each category
including degree, time, contrast, unity, manner, cause-and-effect, and
place words.
Expanding, working with on Specific Terrain brief descriptions
Minimalist terrain tools in the Minimalist Series -
brief specific terrain descriptions may be generated using the specific
minimalist terrain series tools or many of them are found in
Environmental Mechanisms. Titles include among many: urban, coniferous
forest, deciduous forest, cave, desert, grassland & shrublands,
mountains, rainforest, wetlands, forces of nature-air & heat, and
forces of nature-ground.
Micro-Dungeon-Room Map Generator -
This has two main tables to help generate micro-dungeons, dungeons that
are small and created on-the-fly: • 144 Random Rooms (showing the shape
and 5ft square dimensions). • 22 Random Hallways (showing the
direction, intersection, splitting, or even corners).
Expanding, alternatives, or building upon the Relationship, Mood, Emotion, & Encounter Gen
Mood-Emotion Generator - focuses
on 12 categories of emotions or mood: joy, expectation, sadness,
confusion, anger, courage, caring, fear, guilty, strong, hurt, and weak.
12 words detail the degree and specify the emotion or mood within each
Character Generator -
focuses on generating a description of uses nine possible
personalities, stat archetypes, encounter types, virtues, vices, and
types of quirks on two charts
Human Generator - shows
12 body categories with 12 body description indicators for each
category including body shape, hair color, hair style & length, skin
color, lip shape, height, facial hair, chest or breast size, eye color,
brow shape, eye shape, and nose shape indicators based on worldwide
human races.
Social & Mental Traits Generator -
This table shows social and mental traits listed in 6 dimensions
introvert-extrovert, rebellious-agreeable, carefree-conscientious,
neurotic-stable, closed-open, and proud-humble. Each dimension has 12
ranked degrees with two related words per rank to describe a characters
mental and social attributes using words.
Physical Trait Generator -
This table shows 144 strength, dexterity, and constitution traits
listed in 6 dimensions delicate-strong, exhausted-enduring,
unhealthy-healthy, unskilled-accurate, clumsy-agile, and slow-quick,
with their definitions.
Knowledge Generator - focuses
on mental and studied knowledge fields such as science, philosophy,
language, literature, military, agriculture, law, politics, religion,
social science, and paranormal.
Career Generator - shows
most career categories with one to twelve or more careers/classes for
each category including information, sports, wealth, philosophy, home,
health, psychology, paranormal, religion, history, geography,
anthropology, business, social science, politics, law, music, fine arts,
art, language, literature, science, medicine, agriculture, technology,
and military.
Dream Generator - shows
12 dream word categories with 12 dream word symbols for each category
including animal, building/house, vehicle or mount, clothing, body part,
color, number, insect, disaster, location, character, and relation
Character Flaw Generator - Included are a total 144+ character flaws in the entire table in no particular order.
Animal Generator -
focuses on the movement, behavior, attacks, defense, abilities, and
living situation and survival features of a real, earth-like, mythical,
folklore, made-up or similar alien animals.
Wing Generator -
This is a flexible animal generator that is meant to aid or take the
place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions or finding the clues,
information, or describing wings of animals. This a lists of 144 animal
names that have wings or glide (insects, butterflies, dragonflies,
birds, water birds, flying fish, flying squid)and flightless birds. It
does not show any pictures nor drawings.
Alternatives to the NPC Scene Actions (AI)
Scene Action Generator - This
table shows 144+ verbs listed in somewhat order: verbs that do, move,
social, setting, object, and idea - used to describe a scene.
Several of the NPC content below refers to the Character Generator
Character Generator -
focuses on generating a description of uses nine possible
personalities, stat archetypes, encounter types, virtues, vices, and
types of quirks on two charts.
Dialogue & Communication
Dialogue Engine -
This dialogue engine helps create dialogue topics, voice qualities, and
personality-based dialogue styles for games and stories. This dialogue
engine takes into acount 3 moods, 9 personality types, 3 mindsets, and 7
vocal qualities using six-sided dice. It uses the Character Generator,
Fact Generator, Motivation Generator, Plot Generator, and Flash RPG. It
can also use the Body Language Generator to add non-verbal body
Grammar Fuel: Parts of speech is
a five-dialogue style engine added to 15 tables alphabetized and
numbered for either d6, d10, d20, d100, or d1000 rolls depending on the
table, which brings together the 2,000 verbs, 2,000 nouns, 2,000
adjectives, 1,000 adverbs, 1,000 interjections, 250 prepositions, 100
pronouns, 100 subordinating conjunctions, 100 determiners, 20
correlative conjunction pairs, 8 coordinating conjunctions, and 5
article/plural combinations. The parts of speech are mostly American
English based. So, it is like a 8,583 random word table divided by part
of speech. However, speaking styles influence which words are generated
somewhat. However, there are 5 dialogue styles which have different part
of speech probabilities: thinking, feeling, doing, discussing, and
formal dialogue styles each have different part of speech proportions.
Grammar Fuel: 12,000 Phrases & Idioms is
a 12,000 phrases and idioms on 12 tables alphabetized and numbered for
d1000 rolls. The idioms are mostly American English based.
Character Communicator - This table shows categorized by archetype or primary stat with twelve functions of communications
for each category including summarize, persuade, argue, imagine,
advise, instruct, inform, direct, describe, motivate, analyze, and
Behavior Character Behavior Engine - Characters
behave and react to stimulus which may be found in the behavior engine.
This behavior engine helps create behavior styles for games and
stories. This behavior engine takes into account 9 personality types, 3
mindsets, 9 stat archetypes, 9 virtues, and 9 vices. It can use the
Dialogue Generator, Motivation Generator, and Character Communicator
Character Thinking Engine - This system shows analytical and intuitive brain thinking for 15 different archetypes:
featuring doer, caregiver, skeptic, lone wolf, guardian, striver,
seeker, faithful, mediator, shadow, stranger, darkness, body, mind, and
soul. In addition, 12 meanings lead to thoughts based on needs which
lead to decision question. Decision basis thought questions are cross
reference with decision basis listed on the Thinking Generator:
cost/benefit, utility, sufficient/generalize, duty/authority,
deduce/link, brainstorming, define/exclude, identify/cause-effect,
empathy/sympathy, prior belief/fear, assumptions, and
Thinking Generator -
This table shows mental basis for 15 different archetypes: featuring
doer, caregiver, skeptic, lone wolf, guardian, striver, seeker,
faithful, mediator, shadow, stranger, darkness, body, mind, and soul. 12
decision basis are cross referenced: cost/benefit, utility,
sufficient/generalize, duty/authority, deduce/link, brainstorming,
define/exclude, identify/cause-effect, empathy/sympathy, prior
belief/fear, assumptions, and groupthink/harmony/dissenting.
Emotional Reaction Generator -
This table shows reasons or causes for emotions for 15 different
archetypes: featuring doer, caregiver, skeptic, lone wolf, guardian,
striver, seeker, faithful, mediator, shadow, stranger, darkness, body,
mind, and soul. 12 emotions are cross reference with triggers,
action/reaction, and need: joy, anticipation, sadness, anger, courage,
love, fear & anxiety, guilt, shame, pride, and humility—the same
emotions listed on the Mood-Emotion Generator and Body Language
Character Reaction Engine - This system shows reasons or causes for emotions for 15 different archetypes:
featuring doer, caregiver, skeptic, lone wolf, guardian, striver,
seeker, faithful, mediator, shadow, stranger, darkness, body, mind, and
soul. 12 meanings lead to reactions based on needs which lead to
emotions. Emotions are cross reference with meaning-triggers, reaction, and need listed on the Emotional Reaction Generator:
joy, anticipation, sadness, anger, courage, love, fear & anxiety,
guilt, shame, pride, and humility—the same emotions listed on the Mood-Emotion Generator and Body Language Generator.
Mood-Emotion Generator - focuses
on 12 categories of emotions or mood: joy, expectation, sadness,
confusion, anger, courage, caring, fear, guilty, strong, hurt, and weak.
12 words detail the degree and specify the emotion or mood within each
Character Relationship Engine - This
system expands the dialogue mood & topic engine to 12 moods (from 3
in dialogue engine). 12 relationship circles each have two behaviors
and a set of common goals. The twelve relationship circles are the
following: love interest, parent, offspring, extended family, friend,
merchant, education, belief/religion, activist, work, service, and
membership. These same 12 are the same one that are expanded into 12
archetypes in the prior tool. Relationship Generator. It lists 12
evaluated roles linked to needs, relationship behavior, and social
emotions. The 12 evaluated roles are: enemy, despised, victim,
unrelatable, alone, obsession, unfamiliar, relatable, wanted, friend,
family, and loved one. Mind, body, and soul stats also influence
communication preference.
Relationship Generator -
This table shows with twelve types of relationships for each circle of
friendship including love interest (spouse), parent, offspring,
extended family, friend, merchant, education, belief (religion),
activist, work, service, and membership. It generates archetype-like
results and also includes shadow, stranger, and darkness columns.
Alternatives to the Gamestory Adventures
Flash RPG is
a six-sided dice game intended for solo game play used to create flash
fiction, adventure seeds, and background stories. These are extremely
small stories. All of the details can be randomly generated or chosen
intentionally by the player. The details will only hint at something
more than is told in the fiction.
Three Conflict Chain RPG - This book has has 6 sections and around 11 main steps to help flesh out into three conflict in Three Conflict Chain RPG —
an expansion to FRPG. In this game 36 story openings, 6 types of
inciting events, and three conflicts looked at by asking 6
question-words using the inquest table, and maybe adding a plot twist
are used to create series of conflicts explaining what happened to reach
the final conflict result.
Deep Dive Engine - To
further flesh out the three conflict stories, additional scenes are
added using the Deep Dive Engine. In this engine, six kinds of scenes
are created randomly: explanation, description, transition, narrative,
action, and reaction scenes. This adds further character development,
background stories, connects the major conflicts, and can add subplots.
Transition Scene Generator - This
table shows 144+ transition words listed in somewhat function order:
begin, during, after, compare & clarify, contrast and concession,
add, illustrate & introduce, cause & condition & effect,
refer & identify, direct & place, flexible & changing focus,
and occurrence & resuming - thought a few can be used in many ways.
Most of these are found in various Mechanisms all-in-one books or in the character, story, or environmental Bundles.
Alternatives, replacing the GMS engine
Solo Game Engine 1e
- This system uses Yes, Maybe, and No type answers expanding the
traditional solo game system by adding branching and conditional
answers. This is a flexible solo game engine that is meant to take the
place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions or finding the
results of modified rolls. A chart with results for 1D6, 1d8, Fate,
Fudge, 1D10, 1D12, 2D6, 3D6, 1D20, 4D6 JAGS, and 1D100 systems is
included. It makes it a versatile game engine.
ABS12 Solo Game Engine 2nd Edition -
18 pages, 6 tables, 15 types of results (1e had 5pgs, 1 table, 1 type
of result), This is a flexible solo game engine that is meant to take
the place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions or finding the
results of modified rolls. A chart with results for 1D6, 1d8, Fate,
Fudge, 1D10, 1D12, 2D6, 3D6, 1D20, 4D6 JAGS, and 1D100 systems is
Gamemaster Surrogate - This is a true d100 solo game engine with 100 answers, more focused for task-resolution questions,
that vary in detail and nuance. This list gives you 100 answers to yes
or no questions with varying degrees, tangents, beyond expectation, a
few types of results, and/or speed of result all in one table—with just
one roll. Sometimes answers suggest a reason or cause such as a type of
attribute, which may or may not apply to the given situation.
Alternatives, replacing the Iconic Fact Generator
Fact Generator 1e- this focuses on 144 results focusing on sensory and process data.
ABS12 Fact Generator 2nd Edition -
This 2nd edition expands and includes the 1st edition. 30 pages, 8
charts, 23 types of facts, 10 pages of Senses from Roget's Thesaurus.
Compared to the original which was 1pg chart & instructions. It
makes it a versatile game engine. This is a fact generator that is meant
to aid or take the place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions
or finding the clues, information, or describing situations &
settings. Eight charts with results for 1D20, 3D6, and d100 systems is
Sound Generator - focuses entirely on sounds and onomatopoeia.
Expanding, replacing the Indoor/Outdoor/Item Gen
Description Generator 1e- focuses on description of objects or things using 11 categories of adjectives.
Description Generator: Objects 2nd Edition-
This 2nd edition expands and includes the 1st edition material. 52
pages, 9 charts, 33 types of facts/descriptions, object describing words
from Roget's Thesaurus. [Compared with the original which was 3pg, one
chart & instructions, it's greatly expanded.] This is a description
generator that is meant to aid or take the place of a Gamemaster (GM)
for describing objects in situations & settings. Nine charts with
results for 1D20, 3D6, and d100 systems is included
Outdoor Setting Generator - focuses on descriptions of locations or places. This includes biomes, weather, soil types, sparcity, and size.
Indoor Setting Generator focuses
on descriptions of rooms and interior locations. This includes rooms
types, sizes, adjectives describing rooms, and material found in or used
in the construction of the room.
Adding more specific colors
Color Generator & Wheel - This book helps you to use and even roll randomly for 144 color names to
describe more vivid settings. It also has a color wheel to help design
13 types of color combinations. It has color meaning for the 8 main
colors. This table shows 12 rows of 12 columns of
colors: Black, Cool Grays, Warm Grays, Purple, Pink, Red, Orange &
Brown, Yellow, Green, Aqua, Cyan & Turquoise, and Blue. 144 total
color names with the actual color background & hexadecimal color #.
Modifier Generator - shows
modifier categories with 12 or more modifiers for each category
including degree, time, contrast, unity, manner, cause-and-effect, and
place words.
Expanding, working with on Specific Terrain brief descriptions
Minimalist terrain tools in the Minimalist Series -
brief specific terrain descriptions may be generated using the specific
minimalist terrain series tools or many of them are found in
Environmental Mechanisms. Titles include among many: urban, coniferous
forest, deciduous forest, cave, desert, grassland & shrublands,
mountains, rainforest, wetlands, forces of nature-air & heat, and
forces of nature-ground.
Micro-Dungeon-Room Map Generator -
This has two main tables to help generate micro-dungeons, dungeons that
are small and created on-the-fly: • 144 Random Rooms (showing the shape
and 5ft square dimensions). • 22 Random Hallways (showing the
direction, intersection, splitting, or even corners).
Expanding, alternatives, or building upon the Relationship, Mood, Emotion, & Encounter Gen
Mood-Emotion Generator - focuses
on 12 categories of emotions or mood: joy, expectation, sadness,
confusion, anger, courage, caring, fear, guilty, strong, hurt, and weak.
12 words detail the degree and specify the emotion or mood within each
Character Generator -
focuses on generating a description of uses nine possible
personalities, stat archetypes, encounter types, virtues, vices, and
types of quirks on two charts
Human Generator - shows
12 body categories with 12 body description indicators for each
category including body shape, hair color, hair style & length, skin
color, lip shape, height, facial hair, chest or breast size, eye color,
brow shape, eye shape, and nose shape indicators based on worldwide
human races.
Social & Mental Traits Generator -
This table shows social and mental traits listed in 6 dimensions
introvert-extrovert, rebellious-agreeable, carefree-conscientious,
neurotic-stable, closed-open, and proud-humble. Each dimension has 12
ranked degrees with two related words per rank to describe a characters
mental and social attributes using words.
Physical Trait Generator -
This table shows 144 strength, dexterity, and constitution traits
listed in 6 dimensions delicate-strong, exhausted-enduring,
unhealthy-healthy, unskilled-accurate, clumsy-agile, and slow-quick,
with their definitions.
Knowledge Generator - focuses
on mental and studied knowledge fields such as science, philosophy,
language, literature, military, agriculture, law, politics, religion,
social science, and paranormal.
Career Generator - shows
most career categories with one to twelve or more careers/classes for
each category including information, sports, wealth, philosophy, home,
health, psychology, paranormal, religion, history, geography,
anthropology, business, social science, politics, law, music, fine arts,
art, language, literature, science, medicine, agriculture, technology,
and military.
Dream Generator - shows
12 dream word categories with 12 dream word symbols for each category
including animal, building/house, vehicle or mount, clothing, body part,
color, number, insect, disaster, location, character, and relation
Character Flaw Generator - Included are a total 144+ character flaws in the entire table in no particular order.
Animal Generator -
focuses on the movement, behavior, attacks, defense, abilities, and
living situation and survival features of a real, earth-like, mythical,
folklore, made-up or similar alien animals.
Wing Generator -
This is a flexible animal generator that is meant to aid or take the
place of a Gamemaster (GM) for answering questions or finding the clues,
information, or describing wings of animals. This a lists of 144 animal
names that have wings or glide (insects, butterflies, dragonflies,
birds, water birds, flying fish, flying squid)and flightless birds. It
does not show any pictures nor drawings.
Alternatives to the NPC Scene Actions (AI)
Scene Action Generator - This
table shows 144+ verbs listed in somewhat order: verbs that do, move,
social, setting, object, and idea - used to describe a scene.
Several of the NPC content below refers to the Character Generator
Character Generator -
focuses on generating a description of uses nine possible
personalities, stat archetypes, encounter types, virtues, vices, and
types of quirks on two charts.
Dialogue & Communication
Dialogue Engine -
This dialogue engine helps create dialogue topics, voice qualities, and
personality-based dialogue styles for games and stories. This dialogue
engine takes into acount 3 moods, 9 personality types, 3 mindsets, and 7
vocal qualities using six-sided dice. It uses the Character Generator,
Fact Generator, Motivation Generator, Plot Generator, and Flash RPG. It
can also use the Body Language Generator to add non-verbal body
Grammar Fuel: Parts of speech is
a five-dialogue style engine added to 15 tables alphabetized and
numbered for either d6, d10, d20, d100, or d1000 rolls depending on the
table, which brings together the 2,000 verbs, 2,000 nouns, 2,000
adjectives, 1,000 adverbs, 1,000 interjections, 250 prepositions, 100
pronouns, 100 subordinating conjunctions, 100 determiners, 20
correlative conjunction pairs, 8 coordinating conjunctions, and 5
article/plural combinations. The parts of speech are mostly American
English based. So, it is like a 8,583 random word table divided by part
of speech. However, speaking styles influence which words are generated
somewhat. However, there are 5 dialogue styles which have different part
of speech probabilities: thinking, feeling, doing, discussing, and
formal dialogue styles each have different part of speech proportions.
Grammar Fuel: 12,000 Phrases & Idioms is
a 12,000 phrases and idioms on 12 tables alphabetized and numbered for
d1000 rolls. The idioms are mostly American English based.
Character Communicator - This table shows categorized by archetype or primary stat with twelve functions of communications
for each category including summarize, persuade, argue, imagine,
advise, instruct, inform, direct, describe, motivate, analyze, and
Behavior Character Behavior Engine - Characters behave and react to stimulus which may be found in the behavior engine. This behavior engine helps create behavior styles for games and stories. This behavior engine takes into account 9 personality types, 3 mindsets, 9 stat archetypes, 9 virtues, and 9 vices. It can use the Dialogue Generator, Motivation Generator, and Character Communicator primarily.
Character Thinking Engine - This system shows analytical and intuitive brain thinking for 15 different archetypes:
featuring doer, caregiver, skeptic, lone wolf, guardian, striver,
seeker, faithful, mediator, shadow, stranger, darkness, body, mind, and
soul. In addition, 12 meanings lead to thoughts based on needs which
lead to decision question. Decision basis thought questions are cross
reference with decision basis listed on the Thinking Generator:
cost/benefit, utility, sufficient/generalize, duty/authority,
deduce/link, brainstorming, define/exclude, identify/cause-effect,
empathy/sympathy, prior belief/fear, assumptions, and
Thinking Generator -
This table shows mental basis for 15 different archetypes: featuring
doer, caregiver, skeptic, lone wolf, guardian, striver, seeker,
faithful, mediator, shadow, stranger, darkness, body, mind, and soul. 12
decision basis are cross referenced: cost/benefit, utility,
sufficient/generalize, duty/authority, deduce/link, brainstorming,
define/exclude, identify/cause-effect, empathy/sympathy, prior
belief/fear, assumptions, and groupthink/harmony/dissenting.
Emotional Reaction Generator -
This table shows reasons or causes for emotions for 15 different
archetypes: featuring doer, caregiver, skeptic, lone wolf, guardian,
striver, seeker, faithful, mediator, shadow, stranger, darkness, body,
mind, and soul. 12 emotions are cross reference with triggers,
action/reaction, and need: joy, anticipation, sadness, anger, courage,
love, fear & anxiety, guilt, shame, pride, and humility—the same
emotions listed on the Mood-Emotion Generator and Body Language
Character Reaction Engine - This system shows reasons or causes for emotions for 15 different archetypes:
featuring doer, caregiver, skeptic, lone wolf, guardian, striver,
seeker, faithful, mediator, shadow, stranger, darkness, body, mind, and
soul. 12 meanings lead to reactions based on needs which lead to
emotions. Emotions are cross reference with meaning-triggers, reaction, and need listed on the Emotional Reaction Generator:
joy, anticipation, sadness, anger, courage, love, fear & anxiety,
guilt, shame, pride, and humility—the same emotions listed on the Mood-Emotion Generator and Body Language Generator.
Mood-Emotion Generator - focuses
on 12 categories of emotions or mood: joy, expectation, sadness,
confusion, anger, courage, caring, fear, guilty, strong, hurt, and weak.
12 words detail the degree and specify the emotion or mood within each
Character Relationship Engine - This
system expands the dialogue mood & topic engine to 12 moods (from 3
in dialogue engine). 12 relationship circles each have two behaviors
and a set of common goals. The twelve relationship circles are the
following: love interest, parent, offspring, extended family, friend,
merchant, education, belief/religion, activist, work, service, and
membership. These same 12 are the same one that are expanded into 12
archetypes in the prior tool. Relationship Generator. It lists 12
evaluated roles linked to needs, relationship behavior, and social
emotions. The 12 evaluated roles are: enemy, despised, victim,
unrelatable, alone, obsession, unfamiliar, relatable, wanted, friend,
family, and loved one. Mind, body, and soul stats also influence
communication preference.
Relationship Generator -
This table shows with twelve types of relationships for each circle of
friendship including love interest (spouse), parent, offspring,
extended family, friend, merchant, education, belief (religion),
activist, work, service, and membership. It generates archetype-like
results and also includes shadow, stranger, and darkness columns.
Alternatives to the Gamestory Adventures
Flash RPG is
a six-sided dice game intended for solo game play used to create flash
fiction, adventure seeds, and background stories. These are extremely
small stories. All of the details can be randomly generated or chosen
intentionally by the player. The details will only hint at something
more than is told in the fiction.
Three Conflict Chain RPG - This book has has 6 sections and around 11 main steps to help flesh out into three conflict in Three Conflict Chain RPG —
an expansion to FRPG. In this game 36 story openings, 6 types of
inciting events, and three conflicts looked at by asking 6
question-words using the inquest table, and maybe adding a plot twist
are used to create series of conflicts explaining what happened to reach
the final conflict result.
Deep Dive Engine - To
further flesh out the three conflict stories, additional scenes are
added using the Deep Dive Engine. In this engine, six kinds of scenes
are created randomly: explanation, description, transition, narrative,
action, and reaction scenes. This adds further character development,
background stories, connects the major conflicts, and can add subplots.
Transition Scene Generator - This
table shows 144+ transition words listed in somewhat function order:
begin, during, after, compare & clarify, contrast and concession,
add, illustrate & introduce, cause & condition & effect,
refer & identify, direct & place, flexible & changing focus,
and occurrence & resuming - thought a few can be used in many ways.
2. Minimalist Adventure Seed Engine expand, replacing with 12x12 (144 result) generator charts
All of these are found in the Story Mechanisms all-in-one book, the Story Bundle, and Adventure Seed Bundle.
Expanding, replacing the conflict words
Plot Generator - 144 plot keywords based on 12 main sets of plots.
Expanding, replacing the foe words
Foe Generator - This
table shows threats with twelve foes for each category including vs
monster, vs creature, vs natural disaster, vs ND & epidemics, vs
supernatural, vs paranormal, vs enemy personality, vs enemy career, vs
society, vs self, vs technology weapons, and vs technology issues. It
refers to enemy personality types found in Character Generator and Flash
RPG. It refers to enemy careers found in Career Generator. It refers to
other tables as well more indirectly.
Expanding, replacing the theme words
Theme Generator - 144
sets of keywords (over 288 keywords) which can be used to find a theme
or subject of a scene, session, story, or overarching story.
Expanding, replacing the character motivation words
Motivation Generator -
lists 144 character motivations based on the hierarchy of needs,
morality system, defense mechanism, and personality temperament.
Expanding, replacing the mood words or describing with body language
Mood-Emotion Generator - focuses
on 12 categories of emotions or mood: joy, expectation, sadness,
confusion, anger, courage, caring, fear, guilty, strong, hurt, and weak.
12 words detail the degree and specify the emotion or mood within each
Body Language Generator -
shows 12 emotion categories with 12 body language indicators for each
category including eye, nose, face, jaw, mouth, eyebrow, forehead, hand,
arm, leg, posture, movement, speed, voice, or gesture indicators based
on American culture.
Expanding, replacing the twist description and phrases
Twist Generator - This
table shows with six types of reversals: identity, motive, perception,
fortune, role, and fulfillment. The reversal twists are also
cross-referenced with 6 questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how.
All of these are found in the Story Mechanisms all-in-one book, the Story Bundle, and Adventure Seed Bundle.
Expanding, replacing the conflict words
Plot Generator - 144 plot keywords based on 12 main sets of plots.
Expanding, replacing the foe words
Foe Generator - This
table shows threats with twelve foes for each category including vs
monster, vs creature, vs natural disaster, vs ND & epidemics, vs
supernatural, vs paranormal, vs enemy personality, vs enemy career, vs
society, vs self, vs technology weapons, and vs technology issues. It
refers to enemy personality types found in Character Generator and Flash
RPG. It refers to enemy careers found in Career Generator. It refers to
other tables as well more indirectly.
Expanding, replacing the theme words
Theme Generator - 144
sets of keywords (over 288 keywords) which can be used to find a theme
or subject of a scene, session, story, or overarching story.
Expanding, replacing the character motivation words
Motivation Generator -
lists 144 character motivations based on the hierarchy of needs,
morality system, defense mechanism, and personality temperament.
Expanding, replacing the mood words or describing with body language
Mood-Emotion Generator - focuses
on 12 categories of emotions or mood: joy, expectation, sadness,
confusion, anger, courage, caring, fear, guilty, strong, hurt, and weak.
12 words detail the degree and specify the emotion or mood within each
Body Language Generator -
shows 12 emotion categories with 12 body language indicators for each
category including eye, nose, face, jaw, mouth, eyebrow, forehead, hand,
arm, leg, posture, movement, speed, voice, or gesture indicators based
on American culture.
Expanding, replacing the twist description and phrases
Twist Generator - This
table shows with six types of reversals: identity, motive, perception,
fortune, role, and fulfillment. The reversal twists are also
cross-referenced with 6 questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Micro-Dungeon Map Part (1)

Available for the next few days or weeks at an introductory price.
I just built these two Micro-Dungeons which I might want to try filling with some content in a small blog post series. I'll probably use Indoor Generator to generate some details. And maybe try a few Grammar Fuel tools to see how it goes.
For now, I'll just post the newly created blank small dungeons for this post.
These maps are © 2020 by Ken Wickham. All Rights Reserved
images are by Ken Wickham.
All rights
reserved. This is shown for this site only for visitor’s personal use storable on a
personal device and printable for a personal copy non-transferable to
any other person or party. They are for this site only and not to be used as imbedded images on other sites. There purpose is be used as a feature for this blog only. They are not for commercial use nor for any derived artistic works. These maps or parts thereof may not
be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical,
photocopy, recording, or otherwise for any other
person—without prior written permission of the publisher,
except as provided by United States of America copyright law.
This is a work of fiction. Example maps shown below were created randomly. Any resemblance to any other map or real-life
location created by anyone — living or dead, businesses, companies,
events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
© 2020 by Ken Wickham. All Rights Reserved.
© 2020 by Ken Wickham. All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Coin Solo RPG System is now on version 1.05

For the latest version 1.04 Coin Solo RPG System which is found pinned to the top of my subreddit, see https://www.reddit.com/r/Solo_RPG_Tools/ .
It is a coin flip based solo RPG system, also available in a paid PDF format.
As for 1.04 vs 1.05, the bold features listed in the bullet are features now in 1.05.
I just uploaded and sent an email out to those who have purchased the PDF version. Check your library. The price went up a little, which I've been doing after every update after the introductory offer.
Here is the updated product description. The bold on the bullet point words indicate the new features since v1.04.
Coin Solo RPG System v1.05This Zine PDF brings together several social media posts for the creation of a coin-based solo RPG system.
This issue is being used to help fund a possible further creation of this coin-solo game system.
This PDF is rough and unpolished, though a few images have been added. It is single column and minimal layout and no editing.
This PDF has the following sections for the current 1.05 version.
- A simple Coin solo game engine (yes/no, succeed/fail, A or B).
- 2 character personality types
- 2 scaling attributes
- 4 skill-set models
- Combat and Character Charts on two pages
- 2 conflict-plot types
- 2 groups of sensory facts
- Coin Flip Combat Rules using Combat Score comparison
- 3 coin flip simultaneous combat damage system
- 3 coin flip targeting system
- Scaling weapon damage and 3 armor protection: absorption and reduction
- a Wound Trackers by body location for 4 degrees of life force: Grunt to Huge, based on one stat of the character.
- Ranged combat modifier
- A new example of 1.05v simultaneous coin flip combat
- an early 1.01 version example (pre coin combat system, I used a hybrid of One-roll Fudge and Remnant RPG Tools combat) creating a 5,314 word short story.
- The example creates a short story called "The Art of Love and Loss"
Want the PDF 1.05 Version updated Available at DriveThruRPG?
Want the PDF 1.05 Version updated Available at DriveThruRPG?
If you would like to support this thread monetarily by purchasing the 1.05 PDF version which combines all of the main posts found scattered throughout this board up until today's latest update and examples in an illustrated 86 page PDF you may find it at the following address.
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