Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Final day to contribute to get Modern & Future

This is the final 24 hour notice that we will be offering free gifts to contributors over a certain amount to 5e x 5 OGL SRD (Fantasy). Midnight tomorrow 30th November, 2016 CST, I will remove the offer. If you've downloaded the SRD, tried it, and want to upgrade, you still have time.

Those gifts are mentioned on the RPG product page http://www.rpgnow.com/product/193127/5e-x-5-OGL-SRD

5e x 5 OGL SRD (Fantasy)

This is the Open Gaming License conversion of d20 5e into a d100 system. These are the Source Reference Documents which have very little formatting, no graphics, no pictures, and are basically just the text. They are meant to be used by developers or players/GMs that can get past the rudementary layout. We have added portions from the prior 3.5e, other OGL sources, and the PRD to help provide alternatives to sections either insufficiently provided in the 5e SRD or entirely left out.
These is a minimally formatted not illustrated set of five PDF ebooks. Text only.
Included in the 5e x 5 OGL SRD PWYW are:
5e x 5 Characters PDF 224p
5e x 5 Spells PDF 231p
5e x 5 Equipment and Treasures PDF 158p
5e x 5 Combat and Conditions PDF 55p
5e x 5 Monsters PDF 408p

The two major gifts among many levels are:
1) 5e x 5 Modern (early access)
Prior and current contributors "Fighter in the Here and Now contributor" and up to the deadline will gain early access to 5e x 5 Modern , any future formatted versions. Also formatted versions of 5e x 5 Fantasy such as the two column version of 5e x 5 Spells which is a free additional gift to contributors which will be placed at $1 price in the future.

Already included are 5e x 5 Modern Equipment 66pg and 5e x 5 Modern Characters (19 Backgrounds) 18pg. Coming next is 5e x 5 Psionics.

Don't just use a bow or crossbow to fight that zombie or orc. Pull out a .45 caliber pistol, or heft a .50 caliber assault rifle, machine gun, shotgun, or missile launcher. Toss grenades! Bring cellphones, computers, smartphones, and laptops to your campaign. Modern living costs, occupation salaries, and entertainment costs as well using the Cost DC system (US$ equivalents chart shown, though any monitary chart can be used). Psionics will bring telepathic powers to your gaming which is somewhat similar to spells.

2) 5e x 5 Future (early access)

Already included are 5e x 5 Future Equipment 77pg, 5e x 5, Future Characters (8 Backgrounds and Mutations (traits & flaws)) 35pg, 5e x 5 Future Robots 47pg, and 5e x 5, and Future Cybernetics 28pg. Coming next is 5e x 5 Mecha.

Bring lasers, rail guns, plasma guns, space suits, cryonic rifles, disintegrators, sonic beams, and beam swords (lightsaber) to your d100 campaigns. Build and fight robots. Supplement your injuries and natural abilities with futuristic cybernetics. Mutations give your characters superhuman-like powers and limits. Mecha will let you pilot massive power robots equiped with missiles, lasers, and blades to fight fantasy monsters, other robots, or alien invaders.

Unannounced gift additions
In addition, Sunday I sent out invites for contributors of 5e x 5 to receive a better layout version of 5e x 5 Spells (122 pages) which is formated in a more compact two-column version. This is free unannounced gift for contributors, and this version will sold for $1 each book to non-contributors in the near future. It will be part of the 4-book $1 ea line of 5e x 5 core books aimed at making things easier for consumers rather than primarily developers, like the OGL SRD. 5e x 5 Monsters (256 pages) two-column is finished and will be next. All four consumer versions of the books will be included with contributors that qualify for the Modern or Future books. In the more distant future, two-column versions of Characters and Equipment and Treasures is planned as well.

Thanks to those that contributed

If you haven't yet contributed, you can still contribute in these last 24 hours. December 1st or 2nd, I will send out access links for Future (set), Modern (set), 5e x 5 Spells (two-column), and 5e x 5 Monsters (two-column) for contributors. I'll make sure that those that contribute get their access.

5e x 5 Future and 5e x 5 Modern will not be offered until sometime next year to non-contributors. I'm trying to convert and add the pieces to them regularly and often. Since Nov 2nd, I've added what you've see above listed.

Thank you,


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 6: Parts of speech - verbs

Other fantasy language posts
Creating a fantasy languageElfin and Orcish amount of words so far
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 1: Sounds
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 2: Parts of speech - nouns
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 3: Parts of speech - adjectives
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 4: Parts of speech - articles, quantifiers, prepositions, questions
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 5: Parts of speech - why, pronouns, conjunctions,
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 6: Parts of speech - verbs


This post will set up the actual creation of the verbs. First I list the 55 Swadesh verbs. Then I go back to the 2nd post and take all of the nouns and try to match them with whatever verb that I might relate the fairy word with. 

I'm doing this for two main reasons and one good possible result.
  1. I want to see how the words look near the verbs, to see how they will sound. I forgot many of these nouns that I made up several months ago. This reduces the brain strain to try analyzing sufficiency of the sounds.
  2. I want to see if any of the words might contain a root word, pattern, common sound, or something I can reuse in order to quicken creation.
  3. A side effect of doing this might be creating a set of sounds that is more unified and consistent.

1 to drink
water (noun)               tova
mouth                            wofa
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
breasts (female; 1955 still breast)†       lala
blood                                shinya
rain (noun, 1952 verb)      sarila

2 to eat
tooth (front, rather than molar)    didi
mouth                            wofa
grease (1952: fat, organic substance)  taja
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
bone                                           lanthi
egg                                              aza
liver                                  hanjo
flesh (1952 meat, flesh)  fijada
skin (1952: person’s)  dahin
fish (noun)             vidi
root (botanics)      jolem
earth (=soil)            ezanyi

3 to bite
claw (not in 1952)             moda
tongue (anatomical)          laifz
tooth (front, rather than molar)    didi
mouth                            wofa
neck (not nape!)                                ila-o
blood                                shinya
dog              vava
louse              ihan

4 to suck
breasts (female; 1955 still breast)†       lala
tongue (anatomical)          laifz
mouth                            wofa
neck (not nape!)                                ila-o
blood                                shinya

5 to spit
water (noun)               tova
mouth                            wofa
ash(es)                      shoma

6 to vomit
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
liver                                  hanjo
mouth                            wofa

7 to blow
mouth                            wofa
horn (of bull etc., not 1952)†   forani
seed (noun)      yengo
leaf (botanics)   watse
sand                      odima
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
cloud (not fog)         waly-jima
smoke (noun, of fire)   waly
fire                            arisa
ash(es)                      shoma

8 to breathe
mouth                            wofa
nose                        fitsa
smoke (noun, of fire)   waly
fire                            arisa

9 to laugh
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
mouth                            wofa

10 to see
eye                   naji
sun                                 yandi
moon (not 1952)†           zinga
star                             virena
rain (noun, 1952 verb)      sarila
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
hair (on head of humans)   votsaj
tail                                        vela
skin (1952: person’s)  dahin
bark (of tree)       thinya
leaf (botanics)   watse
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
cloud (not fog)         waly-jima
smoke (noun, of fire)   waly
fire                            arisa
ash(es)                      shoma
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

11 to hear
rain (noun, 1952 verb)      sarila
ear                             ditseng
name                               owa

12 to know
name                               owa
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

13 to think
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
neck (not nape!)                                ila-o
name                               owa

14 to smell
nose                        fitsa
foot (not leg)                  tsano
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
smoke (noun, of fire)   waly

15 to fear, to risk, to try
heart                                      nitho
smoke (noun, of fire)   waly
fire                            arisa

16 to sleep
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
woman                          ilya
man (adult male human)  amad
person (individual human)   fa-on
moon (not 1952)†           zinga
star                             virena

17 to live
rain (noun, 1952 verb)      sarila
water (noun)               tova
sun                                 yandi
heart                                      nitho
blood                                shinya
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

18 to die
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
bone                                           lanthi
blood                                shinya
heart                                      nitho
flesh (1952 meat, flesh)  fijada
leaf (botanics)   watse
woman                          ilya
man (adult male human)  amad
person (individual human)   fa-on
moon (not 1952)†           zinga
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
cloud (not fog)         waly-jima
fire                            arisa
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

19 to kill
claw (not in 1952)             moda
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
bone                                           lanthi
heart                                      nitho
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

20 to fight
hand                               winad
woman                          ilya
man (adult male human)  amad
person (individual human)   fa-on
fire                            arisa
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

21 to hunt
foot (not leg)                  tsano
flesh (1952 meat, flesh)  fijada
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

22 to hit
hand                               winad
foot (not leg)                  tsano
tongue (anatomical)          laifz
mouth                            wofa
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
nose                        fitsa
skin (1952: person’s)  dahin
knee (not 1952)†           ivaf
stone                     dotsot

23 to cut
hand                               winad
claw (not in 1952)             moda
mouth                            wofa
nose                        fitsa
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
foot (not leg)                  tsano
knee (not 1952)†           ivaf
hair (on head of humans)   votsaj
grease (1952: fat, organic substance)  taja
bone                                           lanthi
blood                                shinya
flesh (1952 meat, flesh)  fijada
bark (of tree)       thinya
tree (not log)    lanyi

24 to split
hand                               winad
bone                                           lanthi
bark (of tree)       thinya
root (botanics)      jolem
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

25 to stab, stick
heart                                      nitho
hand                               winad
flesh (1952 meat, flesh)  fijada

26 to scratch
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
neck (not nape!)                                ila-o
hand                               winad
claw (not in 1952)             moda
nose                        fitsa
eye                   naji
skin (1952: person’s)  dahin
earth (=soil)            ezanyi

27 to dig
root (botanics)      jolem
seed (noun)      yengo
stone                     dotsot
sand                      odima
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
ash(es)                      shoma
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

28 to swim
water (noun)               tova
foot (not leg)                  tsano
fish (noun)             vidi
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

29 to fly
feather (large, not down)    zange
bird              titsi
cloud (not fog)         waly-jima
smoke (noun, of fire)   waly
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

30 to walk
knee (not 1952)†           ivaf
foot (not leg)                  tsano
rain (noun, 1952 verb)      sarila
sand                      odima
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
fire                            arisa
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

31 to come
sun                                 yandi
foot (not leg)                  tsano
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

32 to lie (as in a bed)
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
woman                          ilya
man (adult male human)  amad
person (individual human)   fa-on
sun                                 yandi
moon (not 1952)†           zinga
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

33 to sit
knee (not 1952)†           ivaf
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

34 to stand
sun                                 yandi
foot (not leg)                  tsano
moon (not 1952)†           zinga
star                             virena
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

35 to turn (intransitive)
neck (not nape!)                                ila-o
tail                                        vela
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

36 to fall
rain (noun, 1952 verb)      sarila
water (noun)               tova
hand                               winad
knee (not 1952)†           ivaf
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
leaf (botanics)   watse
sun                                 yandi
moon (not 1952)†           zinga
sand                      odima
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
ash(es)                      shoma
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

37 to give
water (noun)               tova
hand                               winad
name                               owa
ash(es)                      shoma

38 to hold
hand                               winad
tongue (anatomical)          laifz
neck (not nape!)                                ila-o
mouth                            wofa
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
breasts (female; 1955 still breast)†       lala
hair (on head of humans)   votsaj
skin (1952: person’s)  dahin
knee (not 1952)†           ivaf
sand                      odima
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
fire                            arisa
ash(es)                      shoma
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

39 to squeeze
hand                               winad
mouth                            wofa
nose                        fitsa
hair (on head of humans)   votsaj
flesh (1952 meat, flesh)  fijada
breasts (female; 1955 still breast)†       lala
earth (=soil)            ezanyi

40 to rub
hand                               winad
neck (not nape!)                                ila-o
mouth                            wofa
nose                        fitsa
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
breasts (female; 1955 still breast)†       lala
eye                   naji
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
hair (on head of humans)   votsaj
skin (1952: person’s)  dahin
foot (not leg)                  tsano
knee (not 1952)†           ivaf
sand                      odima
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
ash(es)                      shoma

41 to wash
water (noun)               tova
hand                               winad
mouth                            wofa
nose                        fitsa
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
neck (not nape!)                                ila-o
breasts (female; 1955 still breast)†       lala
hair (on head of humans)   votsaj
blood                                shinya
flesh (1952 meat, flesh)  fijada
skin (1952: person’s)  dahin
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
rain (noun, 1952 verb)      sarila
ash(es)                      shoma

42 to wipe
water (noun)               tova
hand                               winad
skin (1952: person’s)  dahin
rain (noun, 1952 verb)      sarila

43 to pull, lead, draw, tug
hand                               winad
hair (on head of humans)   votsaj
tail                                        vela
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

44 to push, thrust, drive
hand                               winad
foot (not leg)                  tsano
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

45 to throw
stone                     dotsot
hand                               winad
bone                                           lanthi
seed (noun)      yengo
sand                      odima
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
fire                            arisa
ash(es)                      shoma

46 to tie
hand                               winad
hair (on head of humans)   votsaj
root (botanics)      jolem

47 to sew
feather (large, not down)    zange
skin (1952: person’s)  dahin
woman                          ilya
man (adult male human)  amad
person (individual human)   fa-on

48 to count
star                             virena
eye                   naji
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
stone                     dotsot
cloud (not fog)         waly-jima
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

49 to say, utter
tongue (anatomical)          laifz
mouth                            wofa
ear                             ditseng
name                               owa

50 to sing
mouth                            wofa
ear                             ditseng
bird              titsi
foot (not leg)                  tsano
hand                               winad
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

51 to play, jest, game
hand                               winad
woman                          ilya
man (adult male human)  amad
person (individual human)   fa-on

52 to float
water (noun)               tova
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
fish (noun)             vidi
feather (large, not down)    zange
cloud (not fog)         waly-jima
smoke (noun, of fire)   waly
fire                            arisa
ash(es)                      shoma

53 to flow, flood
rain (noun, 1952 verb)      sarila
water (noun)               tova
sun                                 yandi
blood                                shinya
sand                      odima
earth (=soil)            ezanyi
cloud (not fog)         waly-jima
smoke (noun, of fire)   waly
fire                            arisa
ash(es)                      shoma
path (1952 road, trail; not street)         dama

54 to freeze
hand                               winad
hair (on head of humans)   votsaj
cloud (not fog)         waly-jima
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

55 to swell
water (noun)               tova
belly (lower part of body, abdomen)       je-ah
hand                               winad
knee (not 1952)†           ivaf
foot (not leg)                  tsano
mouth                            wofa
eye                   naji
head (anatomic)                 oyaz
breasts (female; 1955 still breast)†       lala
moon (not 1952)†           zinga
cloud (not fog)         waly-jima
smoke (noun, of fire)   waly
fire                            arisa
mountain (not hill)                    langsin

Total Words in Fairy Language

To the 139 words that we made in the two prior posts, we have now added 0 important words, which brings our total Fairy words to 139 important basic Fairy words.

The next post I need to add the actual verbs.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Aioskoru campaign region: Ekouinmanus Kapos progress part 2

Aioskoru Campaign Region update
Aioskoru campaign region: Ekouinmanus Kapos progress part 1
Aioskoru campaign region: Ekouinmanus Kapos progress part 2

Here is an update on progress

Finished so far are:

  1. A set of random creation charts to help make small outposts, camps, and villages. Also I have a random name chart using terms from both common and goblin languages.
  2. 1 city map and some overall details, 
  3. 1 adventure map with details for playing with the centaurs or with the goblins
  4. 1 capital region area map with broad details 
  5. A list of adventure seeds
  6. Encounter chart
  7. 2 Goblin City Maps
  8. Capital city Map
  9. Temperature and % rainfall

My plans to complete:

  • Encounter map is partially complete
  • Goblin summary details still need to be entered similar to the centaur summary details which are already completed.
  • A semi realistic area map for the paid version, which is better than the sample shown above.
  • Maybe a hex map for the paid version. I tried a few things with hex but am not satisfied yet.
  • Maybe a set of generic NPCs. I have # of NPCs per city by type charted and completed.
  • Plants, herbs, minerals, raw material, and gems.

Final week for 5e x 5 Modern and Future early access.

Final week that contributions over certain amounts can early access gift to the 5e to D100 Modern and Future text PDF files. If you've downloaded the free file you can still download and contribute amounts before time expires CST Midnight 30 November 2016.

Help support and develop more d100 content!

5e x 5 D100 SRD contribution campaign http://www.rpgnow.com/product/193127/5e-x-5-OGL-SRD

Access gained this past week

Recent contribution access for modern and future is now ready. If you have contributed the contribution amounts to the game and haven't yet accessed your gifts click or copy-paste these to receive your access to the files. These are inputted with the accounts # so they will only work for specific accounts.

5e x 5 Modern http://www.rpgnow.com/browse.php?discount=909d594f34

5e x 5 Future http://www.rpgnow.com/browse.php?discount=90a187742a

They include access to

5e x 5 Modern Equipment 66pg and 5e x 5 Modern Characters (19 Backgrounds) 18pg

Don't just use a bow or crossbow to fight that zombie or orc. Pull out a .45 caliber pistol, or heft a .50 caliber assault rifle, machine gun, shotgun, or missile launcher. Toss grenades! Bring cellphones, computers, smartphones, and laptops to your campaign. Modern living costs, occupation salaries, and entertainment costs as well using the Cost DC system (US$ equivalents chart shown, though any monetary chart can be used)

5e x 5 Future Equipment 77pg, 5e x 5 Future Characters (8 Backgrounds) 14pg, 5e x 5 Future Robots 47pg, and 5e x 5 Future Cybernetics 28pg

Bring lasers, rail guns, plasma guns, space suits, cryonic rifles, disintegrators, sonic beams, and beam swords (lightsaber) to your d100 campaigns. Build and fight robots. Supplement your injuries and natural abilities with futuristic cybernetics.

If you've downloaded the game you can still contribute and gain access to Modern and Future by contributing before CST Midnight 30 November, 2016. After that, the offer expires and Modern and Future will not be available until sometime next year.

Thanks to all those that contributed!

5e x 5 OGL SRD

These is a minimally formatted not illustrated set of five PDF ebooks. Text only.

We are fans of d100 games.

However, there is basically only one major Open Gaming License (OGL) d100 game that is available to help create new d100 games.

So, what is the easiest way to turn 5e into a d100 stat/skill game? Multiply it by five.
Hence, this converted system we call 5e x 5.

We do preserve the combat damage and hitpoint system - which is more compatible with the other d100 systems.

Having converted the attributes, skills, and saves with the remaining time until Oct 31 deadline we added a few more OGL sources to help expand this d100 conversion. It has some PRD, 3.5e SRD, and a few other OGL sources converted to d100 mixed in.

Included are:
5e x 5 Characters PDF 224p
5e x 5 Spells PDF 231p
5e x 5 Equipment and Treasures PDF 158p
5e x 5 Combat and Conditions PDF 55p
5e x 5 Monsters PDF 408p

If you like our efforts and want to seem more conversions to d100, please contribute via Pay What You Want (PWYW) or consider one of our other RPGNow products available now listed below.

Contributor Gift Levels (Offers will end Midnight CST on the 30 November 2016)

As a thank-you-gift, contributions via PWYW accounts will be emailed future early access to conversion projects and other finished PDF gifts depending on the level of contribution. We have some of the material done now, so you can receive early access to that material.
(please allow up to a week for processing (Friday))
You must have a current email address and allow emails in your account settings for emails to be received from the publishers Ken Wickham and PPM (PPM is Peter's publishing) to receive those gifts.
For contributions $1.99 or less. Thank You!
Fighter in the Here and Now contributor
If you contribute $2 to $2.99 your account will be emailed early access to 5e x 5 Modern Equipment and 5e x 5 Modern Characters (Backgrounds) converted from MSRD Modern, will be sent by Ken Wickham

Wizard From the Future contributor
If you contribute $3.00 to $4.99 your account  will be emailed early access to 5e x 5 Future equipment, 5e x 5 Future Characters (Backgrounds), 5e x 5 Future Robots (build NPCs), and 5e x 5 Future Cybernetics converted from MSRD Future, will be sent by Ken Wickham

Time Traveller contributor
If you contribute $5.00 or more your account will be emailed access to both 5e x 5 Modern and Future equipment SRDs, will be sent by Ken Wickham

Plane Surfer contributor
If you contribute $10 or more your account will be emailed access to 3Deep Role Playing Game Core Rulebook and Aioskoru World Atlas as well as both early access the modern and future products above. will be sent by PPM and Ken Wickham
Sundering Sage contributor
If you contribute $15 or more your account will be emailed access to 3Deep Role Playing Game GM's Resource Supplement and Quick Free World maps using GIMP filters and Donjon fractal maps in addition to all of the other four gifts above. Will be sent by PPM and Ken Wickham

Master Plane Architect contributor
If you contribute $20 or more your account will be emailed access to all of the above as well as early access to all 5e x 5 and Aioskoru related projects now and in the future. To do this please redeem all of the product codes when they are sent out, so that we will be able to specify the conditions needed to send you further information and deals.  Additional gifts such as Melos Peninsular for Aioskoru, an early draft of Ekouinmanos Kapos region Supplement for Aioskoru, ABS12 Core Rulebook alpha, and other forthcoming stuff that either Ken or Peter will create or convert over the next two months. Will be sent by PPM and Ken Wickham

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 5: Parts of speech - why, pronouns, conjunctions

Other fantasy language posts
Creating a fantasy languageElfin and Orcish amount of words so far
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 1: Sounds
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 2: Parts of speech - nouns
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 3: Parts of speech - adjectives
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 4: Parts of speech - articles, quantifiers, prepositions, questions
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 5: Parts of speech - why, pronouns, conjunctions,


I forgot to add 'why' to the list of the question words. So I will begin with it. Why mainly works with verbs, which I will add in the next few posts. This is because most 'why' questions are concerned with actions, events, and occurrences rather than adjectives - as in 'why is the sky blue?'.

'Why' will be what reason.

  1. Why        ara-nithyaz

To get the final word for why I constructed it using this method. I create the word for 'reason'.

For reason I want to combine two words - heart and head - since reasons will be either emotionally from the heart, or mentally from the head.

Finding the two words that I wrote in the first post, I then deconstruct them and create further meaning to the syllables.
head       yaz
heart        nith
  1. I'll say that yaz means brain or thought
  2. Nith will mean emotion or feelings
  3. Reason           nithyaz   


For pronouns I want to something a little interesting. I want there to be no word for 'I'. In fact, I want singular 'you', 'it', 'he', 'she', and the neutral pronoun 'one' to be outside of collective communities.. Fairies will be very communal and will not have the concept of living alone, and will use 'We' for 'our collective' the first person pronoun instead. Then they will speak of 2nd person 'you all' to refer to another collective. And 'They' for a third person collective. Fairy language will be the celestial language of angels as well. There is one word that will mean 'a person outside of collective community' regardless of the plurality or point of view of the speaker.

Opposing the Fairy language, I will make a corrupt language where there is no concept of 'we' and they only use 'I', 'you (singular)', 'he/she/it'. A large separation of individuals. This will be the demonic and devil language.

  1. we w/ you (inc)                         eng
  2. you, you all, yall                        esh
  3. they                                          zu
  4. Outside of any collective community: you (singular), he/she/it, one               tsod

So a simple sentence might be 'we are cold' which is nawin fe eng.

I'm not going to differentiate pronouns used in different parts of the sentence, except by where they are placed in the sentence.

Example. English differentiate he, him, his. In Fairy it'll be just tsod for all three, but where tsod is placed will determine wheither it is he, him, his, she, her, it, or one.


  1. and                                         li
  2. or                                           we
  3. if                                            de
  4. because (the reason being)      nithyaz osh fe 
For example, the description 'wide and thick' would be zan li dan.

Total Words in Fairy Language

To the 111 words that we made in the two prior posts, we have now added 12 important words, which brings our total Fairy words to 123 important basic Fairy words.

Next posts

I will list verbs in the next post. I may separate the conjugation of verbs and verb use in separate posts.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Aioskoru campaign region: Ekouinmanus Kapos progress

Today I worked on this campaign guide which I hope to get closer to being finished. I want to release a generic mostly text OGL version of the region first. And then I will probably try to add story material, draw some pencil sketches, and flesh out story plots to make a paid version of the same material, which has material not found in the OGL version.

I don't have a ETA on this regional guide.

Here are two screenshots of my working copy.

Finished so far are:

  1. A set of random creation charts to help make small outposts, camps, and villages. Also I have a random name chart using terms from both common and goblin languages.
  2. 1 city map and some overall details, 
  3. 1 adventure map with details for playing with the centaurs or with the goblins
  4. 1 capital region area map with broad details 
  5. A list of adventure seeds

My plans to complete:

  • I progressed on the encounter chart much of today. It's probably past halfway done. I have a chart for animals, monsters, and people.
  • Goblin summary details still need to be entered similar to the centaur summary details which are already completed.
  • A goblin city or two maps
  • A semi realistic area map for the paid version, which is better than the sample shown above.
  • Maybe a hex map for the paid version
  • Capital city Map
  • Maybe a set of generic NPCs.
  • Plants, herbs, minerals, raw material, and gems.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 4: Parts of speech - articles, quantifiers, prepositions, questions

Other fantasy language posts
Creating a fantasy languageElfin and Orcish amount of words so far
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 1: Sounds
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 2: Parts of speech - nouns
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 3: Parts of speech - adjectives
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 4: Parts of speech - articles, quantifiers, prepositions, questions
Fantasy Constructed Languages Part 5: Parts of speech - why, pronouns, conjunctions,


Next, I need words to either specify or generalize nouns. We do that using the words the which indicate a specific noun and the words a/an which indicate a general noun

I want these words to be one syllable since they will be spoken very often.
I just pick o and sh, z just because I look over the list and see that I haven't used them very frequently

  1. the         osh
  2. a/an       oz


Next, I want to make words that indicate general quantities. I chose the word fe to indicate the existence of some unknown quantity. I then reuse the Normal (na), comparative (nga), and superlatives (ma) root syllables to indicate the degree or amount of the quantity.

  1. not, no                     tha
  2. some, any, exists         fe
  3. nothing, none, disappear, gone  fetha
  4. few, several                   fena
  5. many, much, a lot         fenga
  6. all, every                       fema


Now, I'd like to add words that indicate location. I decide to use the leter n to construct most of the basic prepositions mixing in my four vowels. The second level of prepositions I use l to extend the words. I try to connect these second level prepositions to similar meaning one syllable n words.

I also look back to my nouns and adjectives for possible root word indicators such as shoni and wani have a relationship with smoke waly and ashes shomi. I remember thinking about smoke preceeds fire and ashes come after fire. So maybe wa means before and ni means at, by, beside (now). Likewise sho means after and ni means at, by, beside (time).

  1. at, by, beside    ni
  2. in              no
  3. with, yet      ne
  4. on, to, upon, on   na
  5. up to, to              nili
  6. above, over         nali
  7. under, below       yolo
  8. before, first         wani
  9. after, following, later  shoni
  10. from, out of         vaj
  11. of                       wo
  12. between, among, amid, in the midst   neni


Finally, I want some question words. I begin with the word what. The other words will contain that root word. After I know what, then the other words are created logically.

For example, who is what doer. Where is what location. When is what time period. How is what manner or way. How many is what number of existence.

For what, I pick the create the word ara, which I like how it sounds.

  1. who           ara-oni
  2. what          ara
  3. where         ara-na
  4. when         ara-neni
  5. how         ara-danya
  6. how much, how many   ara-fe
  7. doer      oni
  8. way, method, approach, manner     danya   

Just to contrast with English, lets make a general rule that these words go after the words that they modify. Instead of saying 'the sun', fairies will say 'sun the' yandi osh. So 'the big sun' is nalang yandi osh. And the question word would go after the 'the'. 'Where is the big sun?' is nalang yandi osh fe ara-na. I used the word fe for 'is' since I mentioned that few means existence or some similar to the verb 'to be'. 'Where's the dog?' is vava osh fe ara-na whereas 'where's a dog' is vava oz fe ara-na.

Total Words in Fairy Language

To the 111 words that we made in the two prior posts, we have now added 28 important words, which brings our total Fairy words to 139 important basic Fairy words.

The next post I need to add verbs

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Where next? Looking back to where I've been.

With that fun project 5e x 5 wrapping up, except for some maintenance and Future & Modern expansion, it'll be back to my projects.

A. I will be continuing my Fairy constructed language, which is helping me to continue with the other languages as well.
Other fantasy language postsCreating a fantasy languageElfin and Orcish amount of words so farFantasy Constructed Languages Part 1: SoundsFantasy Constructed Languages Part 2: Parts of speech - nounsFantasy Constructed Languages Part 3: Parts of speech - adjectives

B. I might continue to make JAGS western stuff.
For my wild west game using the JAGS system.
JAGS RPG is a universal game system that can be found as a free download at http://mchacon8.wixsite.com/jagsrpg
JAGS wild west bestiaryBrown BearMountain Lion, Cougar, Puma
C. I might continue to make Ekouinmanus Kapos
Ekouinmanus Kapos Region of Aioskoru
D. Maybe delve deeper into map making
Aioskoru, Western Ekouinmanus Kapos Map SeriesAioskoru Solo Game: Map of area Western Ekouinmanus Kapos Lakes and rivers using GIMP and Donjon fractal mapsAutomated rivers: first automated river attemptsRiver Beds using Donjon and WilburAioskoru: Northwest and Southwest Semimanus
Joined map and a little coloringThe puzzle of the rivers

Sunday, November 6, 2016

5e x 5 Roll out thoughts

First attempt at drawing buyers without formatting and graphics

This project has been full of firsts.

Instead of the regular PWYW, I figured that offering early access to unavailable content might help increase contributions a little bit. So, on the side as we were converting 5e into a D100 system, I would occasionally work on converting Modern and Future equipment into a similar D100 system. Then when we were ready to go live with the D100 fantasy, that there were also equipment for modern and future settings nearly ready as well.

These other pieces make a good incentive to pay a little bit more. We set of a Kickstarter-like tier system of gifts to reward higher PWYW contributions. Since I knew that $1.25 was the max from prior PWYW, I set the floor for Modern at $2. I then set Future at 3$. And then I combined both at the $5.

In order to fill the upper range, we're using stuff already made for $10 to $20 contributions.

Normal PWYW results in a lot of $1 or less contributions. This roll out has lead to several $5 contributions and a few $2 contributions. Yet, we are not tied to the same quality that Kickstarter demands. Our formats are plain and lack graphics. It's information. Our draw however is the idea that a person can get something that only other premium purchasers can get.

Converting 5e to a d100 certainly has been a very powerful learning experience.

Knowledge Gained

First, comparing 3.5 and Pathfinder to 5e helps me understand the conversation concerning the nuances and merits of each system. Pathfinder OGL is huge. 3.5 OGL seems a little more rough. 5e seems smoother, simpler, and quicker.

Sometimes I'm tempted to replace the simplicity with complex details. Then I have to sit back and try to figure out why certain things were cut and removed.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

5e x 5 OGL SRD is now live at RPGNow PWYW

5e x 5 OGL SRD

Available at RPGNow http://www.rpgnow.com/product/193127/5e-x-5-OGL-SRD 

This is a minimal formatted unillustrated set of five PDF ebooks.
We are fans of d100 games.

However, there is basically only one major Open Gaming License (OGL) d100 game that is available to help create new d100 games.

So, what is the easiest way to turn 5e into a d100 stat/skill game? Multiply it by five.
Hence, this converted system we call 5e x 5.

We do preserve the combat damage and hitpoint system - which is more compatible with the other d100 systems.

Having converted the attributes, skills, and saves with the remaining time until Oct 31 deadline we added a few more OGL sources to help expand this d100 conversion. It has some PRD, 3.5e SRD, and a few other OGL sources converted to d100 mixed in.

Included are:
5e x 5 Characters PDF 223p
5e x 5 Spells PDF 231p
5e x 5 Equipment and Treasures PDF 158p
5e x 5 Combat and Conditions PDF 55p
5e x 5 Monsters PDF 369p
If you like our efforts and want to seem more conversions to d100, please contribute via Pay What You Want (PWYW) or consider purchasing one of our other RPGNow products.

Contributor Gift Levels (Offers end Midnight CST the 30 November 2016)

As a thank-you-gift, contributions via PWYW accounts will be emailed future early access to conversion projects and other finished PDF gifts depending on the level of contribution. We have some of the material done now, so you can receive early access to that material.
(please allow up to a week for processing (Friday))
You must allow a current email addres for emails to be received from the publishers Ken Wickham and PPM (PPM is Peter's publishing) to receive those gifts.
For contributions $1.99 or lessThank You!
Fighter in the Here and Now contributor
If you contribute $2 to $2.99 your account will be emailed early access to 5e x 5 Modern equipment SRD converted from MSRD Modern from Ken Wickham

Wizard From the Future contributor
If you contribute $3.00 to $4.99 your account  will be emailed early access to 5e x 5 Future equipment SRD converted from MSRD Future from Ken Wickham

Time Traveller contributor
If you contribute $5.00 or more your account will be emailed access to both 5e x 5 Modern and Future equipment SRDs from Ken Wickham

Plane Surfer contributor
If you contribute $10 or more you will be emailed access to 3Deep Role Playing Game Core Rulebook and Aioskoru World Atlas as well as the both early access the modern and future products above. From PPM and Ken Wickham
Sundering Sage contributor
If you contribute $15 or more you will be emailed access to 3Deep Role Playing Game GM's Resource Supplement and Quick Free World maps using GIMP filters and Donjon fractal maps in addition to all of the other four gifts above. From PPM and Ken Wickham

Master Plane Architect contributor
If you contribute $20 or more your account will be emailed access to all of the above as well as early access to all 5e x 5 and Aioskoru related projects now and in the future. To do this please redeem all of the product codes when they are sent out, so that we will be able to specify the conditions needed to send you further information and deals.  Additional gifts such as Melos Peninsular for Aioskoru, an early draft of Ekouinmanos Kapos region Supplement for Aioskoru, ABS12 Core Rulebook alpha, and other forthcoming stuff that either Ken or Peter will create or convert over the next two months. From PPM and Ken Wickham