Friday, October 19, 2018

Character Mechanisms - creating character profile instructions (part 5)

This is part of a series of posts to create a character using Character Mechanisms and the profile sheet.
From the last post, I generated the first of the character profile information. I focused on the group A first, which are the most important of the information for most occasions. Basic archetype information was created using the Character Generator. Human description traits were created using the Human Generator.

Priority A

Group A Important
Character Generator
√ Human Generator
Motivation Generator
Mood-Emotion Generator
Body Language Generator

In this post I continue with the next two, the Motivation Generator and the Mood-Emotion Generator.

1. Motivation Generator

What is my character's motivation?

I need two numbers per motive.

3 11
5 6

3, 11 social type motive, acknowledgment
5, 6  self-actualization, ugliness

Wow. Very shallow. Okay, this character is starting to come to life when combined with the personality and description.

Now for a basic temperamental mood or emotion to begin with.

2. Mood-Emotion Generator

What is my character's current mood?

9 5

9, 5 guilty type, blamed

This is starting to sound like a Cinderella type story if it is a female. The guard type encounter, lusty vice, and curvaceous auburn headed description however differ from Cinderella.

Putting that new information into the Character Profile, I have so far for this character this information so far.

I'll do some body-language and maybe start one of group B information next post.

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