Monday, October 29, 2018

Character Mechanisms - creating character profile instructions (part 7)

This is part of a series of posts to create a character using Character Mechanisms using the Character Profile sheet.

From the last post, I created body language and character behavior character profile information. I'll focus on the dialogue first, skip the combined action for now, and do the communicator. I hope to return to the combined action later.

Group A Important

Group B Reliant

Character Behavior Engine
Character Dialogue Engine
Skip -Character combined action engine
Character Communicator

1. Character Dialogue Generator

How does my character's speak at first meeting?

It's time to generate vocal qualities to help imagine how the character speaks.

Already having the character personality, I begin with the volume of speaking.

1 Quiet

This character speaks in a quiet vocal tone most of the time. Okay, an opposing skeptic that speaks quiet.

I'll roll for two more qualities randomly.


2, 6 resonance comes from chest
6, 6 speaks in complex sentences

So, having a chest resonance but speaks quietly may mean that the overall range might be low as well. Certainly, either the character is educated or hangs around educated people and has picked up complex sentence dialogue.

With vocal qualities, now for the beginning general mood for any character interaction. I don't have any main character interaction, so there will be no modifier for this instance, just random dice.


2, friendly conversation mood
3, opening scene or conflict, See FRPG conflict or Plot Generator = Speak about the opening scene or conflict/plot.

So, whatever opening scene or plot that the main characters are doing, this unnamed quiet-speaking, chesty-toned, dark auburn long haired, hourglass shaped, charismatic & skeptical character will have something to say about it — most likely opposing or questioning either the main character(s) goal, a popular view, or an proposed action though civilly initially.

This character's motive has already been generated: social, acknowledgment; self-actualize, ugliness. After which one comment was "Very shallow."

Some common words are jotted down to help get into this character. I put two down for skeptic personality and one for relaxed state when the character becomes caregiver, such as very friendly situations. If of course the character becomes stress, striver words could be added, but for now this is sufficient.

Oppose I don’t believe…
Why should/would I/we (have)...?
Relaxed Caregiver You/He/She/They
should(n’t) have…

Next for some character communicator information.

2. Character Communicator

How (what function) will this character oppose, doubt, or question the main characters?


initial skeptic state, 11, analyze function; to examine details or entirety = stimulus response; questions and answers.

Click on image to enlarge
Having skipped the combined action engine, next post will move on to group C with Knowledge Generator and Career Generator.

A small note. I hope to write something for NaNoWriMo/NaGa demon/SGAM18/ if possible. So if I don't finish this series by that time then the final posts may be delayed until after writing a new project. This is why I initially set the deadline for the end of the month of October.

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